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  1. Today
  2. That is a sweet looking car!
  3. Car vibrates while ideling
  4. Yesterday
  5. Thanks for the hello The RX8 is like driving an angry wasp compared to the v8 of the Beemer cruising along...
  6. What do you want to know pal? Whats your problems you’re facing?
  7. http://www.autotrader.co.uk/car-details/202503109963619?utm_source=product-service&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=at_braze_cars_ios_email_action_manual_alerts_email-a-friend My dad’s car. FSH. Great condition cat n due minor damage fixed years ago. Must be seen.
  8. Little bit of a head scratcher for you Stu Try some injector cleaner (if you haven't already) I know it takes a tank to work it's way through but worth a go while your recovering. The next step is ignition and injectors Good Luck Bud Dave
  9. Morning Tony Welcome to the Forum No I don't but I do have an Estoril Blue E53 X5 4.6is and an E70 X5 in Titan Silver Very nice ENJOY Dave
  10. Last week
  11. Hi, I have 2015 520d, which I have had for three years and taken from 70k miles to 140k miles and I haven’t changed the Timing Chain. It has a full BMW service history to this point though the next service will be with a good independent. My understanding is that the timing chains are lifetime, is this correct and what’s the consensus on changing them? The cars in great condition and I would like to keep using and add miles at the same rate for at least a couple more years so keen to do all necessary to maintain its lifetime.
  12. Hi Mark Welcome to the Forum Have the battery checked put volt meter across the chage points under the bonnet. Anything less than 12.5v will indicate a battery issue If the battery is good then you need a diagnostic scan to help with finding the issue Dave
  13. Feel for you, I would put it in writing to BMW UK copy to BMW Munich state the sale of goods act and the fact the car is unsuitable for purpose and the time to correct or repair has become unreasonable. Give them a time for a solution to be reached just turn the screw Good Luck Dave
  14. my bmw 218d in 2016 mileage 80k transmission gone. sent to a few garages and i was told it was a well-known issue by bmw themselves and they even offer 35% discount for a new transmission My email is [email protected] If anyone want to do a group complaint please include me
  15. I have all the stuff to code new keys for the x5 e53….. 😝😉 what you need is a blank key, cut to your barrel. a copy of bmw 1.4.0 or equivalent to see what key slot you have. A piece of kit called an ak47 key reader I think… you need to remove the dme module from the car and read it, copy it, allocate the key, write the programme to the chip in the key and refit the dme (then hope you have done it right or you have bricked a new key… ) enjoy the drive and a beer!
  16. Hi Stu and Dave, great info, thanks to both! As an update, what's odd is that when the engine is up to temp, it's totally silent. Nothing. But when cold, it appears to be coming from under what I would describe as the spark plug cover. I guess I should remove it? Take a look?
  17. Got to keep writing about this stuff, especially the plastic parts as they do degrade with pressure and temp cycles as I am discovering. Should probably be replaced each 60K miles Im thinking, just to be safe. The plastic oil filter holder lifeing was alerted to me by a canadian BMW specialist garage who I called in on when there to ask about the part. They were very informative and knowledgeable. Mind you the air temp swings there really do cause issues. I mean one day I was clocking 85 on the motorway and all was good and the next day I started the car and dropped the whole oil load on the drive. So so lucky on that one.
  18. Earlier
  19. Thanks Dave, the original map company don’t have a clue what could’ve happened as the garage shouldn’t have been able to do anything. I’ve got it booked in tomorrow somewhere else to take ECU out, see if the map is still there/gone dormant and remap if needed. I’ve just done a 500mile round trip fishing at the weekend to wales so I know for certain it’s not driving as it was and the fuel consumption for this journey I do 2-3 times a years has gone up as well as the car being lethargic. As for the headlamp washers…thanks, I’ll get new ones fitted.
  20. Morning Not necessarily I recently had an injector fault that randomly shut the engine down no codes no EML The only way to find it was to actually run live data on the Diagnostic (INPA/ISTA) and drive the car when the fault occured I was able to record it. That was the only way to identify it Make sure you check for any air and vacuum leaks a small crack/split in a vacuum hose The inlet has several hoses that rely on "O" ring seals are they all good Dave
  21. Morning Ali If all connections are in place and tight is the IBS cable connection good ? Have you tried running live Data to see if you get any more information Dave
  22. Morning Paul Welcome to the Forum The 8 speed ZF box is pretty tough my brother inlaws 540d is beyond 400bhp it was mapped almost from new and is around 200k with out issues, but it is very well maintained gearbox transfer case and diffs have had 3 oil/fluid changes. His has had a gearbox software update but that was part of the general gearbox service last time So for you to need a gearbox remap just what are you planning 🤣 Dave
  23. Can anybody tell me where to buy good adhesive pads for the mirror cluster on a 320i F31?
  24. Morning Anthony Welcome to the Forum As long as you realise that if the new wheel has function controls for items not fitted to your car it wont add them (paddle shift as an example). Be careful removing the Airbag (make sure the Battery is disconnected) then as long as the fixings and clock spring are the same it should fit OK Dave If it does need registering it isn't a complicated
  25. My neighbour who brought the iCarsoft reader was shocked the first time he plugged it into the car to discover it could read 21 Control Modules and over 100 sensors and related connections in the Bus system on his car so well worth the investment with even our local BMW specialist charges £120 per Hour and the Main Dealer over £200. It also alows service functions to be carried out. He is now much more adventurous with the things he can do. My advice would be if you can get a copy of INPA?ISTA up and running on a Laptop it will allow Dealer Level diagnostics If that is to ambitious then the iCarsoft system is simple to use and only one step behind, plus it is self contained no laptop needed Dave
  26. On your advice I have left a message with Ash Motors North Wales. Many thanks again
  27. X5smw


    Sorry, I can’t open any files… but mine will ding if the temperature is below 5’ as a warning of ice. Maybe it’s set to 10’ in yours?? just a thought
  28. Hi Raymond Welcome to the Forum Sun Roof Drains are a known culprit doesnt take much fror them to get clogged Dave
  29. I have a 2003 for sale. email me if you like to chat. thank you John.
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