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  1. Past hour
  2. Hi, I am reaching out to inquire about a specific matter regarding flywheel parts for my vehicle. I have been investigating the following flywheel part numbers and would like to determine if they are compatible for the same flywheel: 1. 8681723 2. 8690203 3. 9454556 From my research, I found that part number 1 is applicable for vehicles manufactured from 2016 to early 2017. In contrast, part numbers 2 and 3 are meant for vehicles produced from July 2017 onwards. My vehicle, a 2017 BMW F30 330e (RWD, 1998cc, 185KW, 252HP B48B20A), falls under part number 1, as it was manufactured in April 2017. Given that these models are closely related, I am curious if the later part numbers (2 and 3) could also function in my vehicle. In the UK, I have been unable to locate aftermarket part number 1 at a reasonable price, but options for part numbers 2 and 3 are abundant. I would greatly appreciate any guidance or clarification anyone can provide on this matter. Thank you for your assistance.
  3. I have a F30 20ltr 2013 and want to fit the 8.8 display my car has the alpine radio part number 9323784 and I have the 8.8 display part number 9292248 and alpine number AL3008 0289 bmw L7 CID HIGH that I want to fit and I want to know if it’s compatible and need coding I have the ESYS ENET software for coding
  4. Today
  5. Hello all, on the topic of the failure code 28 "oil thermal sensor oil level defect", considering this is an early vehicle that does not have an oil thermal sensor, and I do not have a fault on the dash, is the fault above an oil level fault and not an oil thermal sensor? I have read that if the oil level sensor fails the car will not start. is this true? Many thanks all for the great support!! Dimitri
  6. Yep I agree re the dealer, the pain is I've been looking at getting the wheels refurbed, just haven't settled on a place. I suppose if I get a new wheel the others can be matched to it or near enough. I will make sure the alignment is checked as well. As u say that's what insurance is for. The day was going too well! Dave
  7. Glad it's finally resolved Paul Early 2000's I had an issue with the Merc E55 Estate I owned the Fault was a recall in USA) in Europe Dealer and Mercedes said never heard of it before?? Took my car and gave me a 320d saloon they seemed to think because I was still mobile that was OK. It actually took 2 months and a legal letter and Court date before they suddenly came to life Such a shame the big companies loose sight of their customers sometimes
  8. Yesterday
  9. Oh no! It’s always the cats…. Or pigeons! I would assume bmw would replace it rather than a repair as it would be a main dealer. also, they should check the hub and anti roll bars and all the gubbins related to the wheel. Then they should check alignment etc…. It will not be cheap as you say. go through the insurance, it’s what you pay it for…. I know it will add premiums etc but backstreet Barry could do you a deal for £100 …. Approved dealers won’t and they will (or should) check everything with a fine tooth comb.
  10. Today for first time ever in avoiding a cat I hit a kerb bursting my rear nearside tyre and scraping the wheel quite badly on my 2019 240i. Fortunately I was close to an industrial estate so got parked ok and phoned LV breakdown service who put me onto the insurance side. Car was quickly recovered and is being taken to BMW main dealer tomorrow as an approved repairer. I'm really gutted but could have been a lot worse, will BMW try repairing the wheel does anyone think rather than replacing it? Never had this situation so bit anxious, I'm hoping I can pay it rather than make an insurance claim but can't imagine it will be cheap. Any views appreciated. Thanks Dave
  11. Wrote a letter like that to the dealer who emailed me the next day to say BMW had cleared out car. It only took them 5 weeks but we’re glad to get it back !
  12. Just a quick update. Managed to find a second hand front passenger seat in the correct trim. 1o mins to remove ols seat, 10 mins to fit replacement. No Airbag light issues, and seat belt indicator system, working as expected. 😃🤘 Thanks Guys for you suggestions.
  13. I believe these are 19inch wheels , wondered if there worth much ? Looking to sell
  14. Hi. I’m literally in the same situation. Did you manage to get it fixed? If so, how?
  15. Last week
  16. 2009520d The radio wont store presets / stations Any ideas? Regards Martin.
  17. Hi Andy Welcome to the Forum The transmission has a service schedule normally between 50 and 100k kilometers depending on duty Dave
  18. Hi John Welcome to the Forum What diagnotics are you using ? Check the main connectors to the cluster for a short to earth as you have 2 blown clusters worth sending one to someone like ECU Testing to see if it can be repaired ? The cluster recieves information from several modules so a full Diagnostic check may well show the culprit up Dave
  19. 840 d 2018 My cluster had blown after and resulting in a battery drain. Managed to source a second hand one which was fitted and lasted 30 mins. Once blown battery drained again and an intermittent 3 second beep in the car when driving. Removed the fuse for the cluster to stop the beeping and the battery stopped draining . Concluding the blown cluster is causing the battery drain but cannot find the cause of cluster blowing.
  20. Anyone had this warning accompanied with service transmission oil required
  21. Hello Dave. maybe having 2 operating systems is the solution. Many thanks Dimitri
  22. Hi Dimitri Like Stu I have an old Windows 7 Lap top that I use only for Diagnostics it is a bit overworked as I have Programs for Volvo, Mercedes Star, BMW 1.4.0 and INPA on there, I really must upgrade the memory one day 😁 I have a full INPA/ISTA program but that runs on a different lap top with a bigger hard drive and plenty of memory (ISTA is a big program) I set 1.4.0 up for a neighbour by setting a Virtual Machine up on his laptop then setting up Windows 7 then load i.4.0 just make sure Win 7 is in 32bit mode Good Luck Dave
  23. Hello all, I have just found this forum and want to tell my story and seek advice. My husband past away last year and left me his BMW X2 2018 plate. He had it on HP with BMW finance. I took over this agreement and have 8 more months until I decide to hand it back. I have enjoyed driving the car for just over a year. Until two weeks ago when the car went into Limp mode and I was towed home by the AA. They thought it was a gear box issue. The milage is 38,000 miles, so not a huge amount. My neighbour who understands cars did a bit of research and we took it to an automatic gear box specialist. Thinking this would be cheaper than taking it to the main BMW dealer. Last week he said he was awaiting parts to come from Japan to repair the gearbox. Monday I got a quote for a new gearbox as the parts are slow coming in from Japan! The quote was 11K!!!!!! This is a ridiculous amount of money. I can buy a reasonable second hand car for that. It seems I can drive short distances for a while, but I have lost of confidence in the car. So I'm unsure what to do, I simply can't afford to pay the monthly payments and fork out to repair a car I no longer want. The contract agreement clearly states that BMW own the car until I have fully paid off the HP agreement and the balloon payment. Is this break down of a major part their issue and not mine? Ive not been in touch with them. I'm currently drafting a letter to BBC Watchdog, Rip off Britain for Money box. Any advice
  24. Hi Stu, I guess I need to get a windows 7 laptop set up just for this.
  25. Hi dimitri. I have a copy on windows 7 and it works fine.
  26. Good morning Dave I can’t thank you enough for your help. Although I don’t think it’s an earth issue, the car lived all its life in the Med and away from the sea and its very clean both inside and outside, I will try to trace all earth points and see if this will sort out the fault codes that I see. Considering I have no fault on the dash, does it worth replacing the oil level sensor or not? Regarding the 1.4.0 I got the CD cable and plug and tried it to a windows 10 - 64bit laptop and on a 16bit Windows vista, downloaded drives from the net and tried drivers that I had on the disc without luck. I have found other suppliers of the 1.4.0 who include a 64bit windows 10 driver in their disc that I will try in the near future, August. What windows version you use? Thanks Dimitri
  27. Morning Dimitris Yes worth checking the Curtain Airbag as well BMW also love muliple Earth points my 4.4 had several difficult to trace faults that eventually I found an earth point in the back of the Boot/Trunk that was showing signs of rust around the mounting bolt took it off cleaned itput electrical contact paste on it and bolted it back,fixed lots of stuff. I went through the car and did all the earth points. With 1.4.0 did you download the program or load it from a disc ? The disc should have Drivers on it Load program then plug in the Connecting lead (Not connected to the Car) you should then see a prompt to load the drivers the n your good to go. As I have the program up and running if you want a 20year old disc I am happy to post it to you Dave
  28. Hello Dave Thank you for the respose. I will try to locate the connector and clean them up. Could it be the head air bag and not the door air bag that is faulty? (BTW the car is a LHD). Considering there is no oil thermal sensor could the “Thermal Oillevel Sensor” be a faulty oil level sensor? I have tried to instal the 1.4.0 on my laptop but I gave up after 3 hrs in trying. I could not find the correct drivers for the software. Dimitri
  29. Hi Demitri Your car has an Air Bag in each door so front right would be in the Drivers Door (UK) Passenger Door (LHD) I would check the Loom connections continuity through the door it could be a broken wire in the loom (make sure you disconnect the battery first) The other faults could be as simple as a corroded pin or poor earth, the Thermal Oil sensor fault may clear when earths and other connectors are cleaned up Do you have INPA or BMW 1.4.0 they will help a lot Dave
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