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Hi Guys James 23 from Barry South Wales

Not an owner of a bmw yet but hopefully in a few weeks going to be looking for a E46 compact 316ti if any one could give some advice what to look for etc that would be great. Also i have seen on the net some one has dont a headlight conversion from a normal E46 just woundering what sort of work is involved is it just a simple case of unbolting parts and swapping them over?

Thanks in advance James


welcome along mate.why dont you just buy a 318? those compacts look a bit dated imo.....if you have your heart set on a compact though things to look out for are...

suspension bushes...listen for knocks

electric windows...these tend to play up

rusty arches...especially rears

i'm sure there are other things to look out for that others will add

hope that helps


Thanks for the welcome.. @Mart77 i have to insure my partner on it and she is 20 and has had a bump and a normal 3 series is out of the question even a 316? but a compact 1.8 is fairly cheap for us.


fair play mate....have a good look round it.check all the door shuts line proppery.check it stops ok and in a straight line.also the hand brakes arent the best.

overall though it'll be a rwd bmw .so go ahead and get one.ace cars mate


The 316ti E48 will most likely be displacing 1.9 or possibly 1.8 if you're planning on getting one of the more recent models. Take note that the 1.8 is more powerful than the 1.9 and insurance companies know this.

If insurance is an issue, may I suggest a slightly older E36 which you can get in a 1.6? They are good cars and alot cheaper to insure. I currently have a 1.7 Diesel E36 as a run around and the insurance is very manageable


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