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Hi All,

Firstly just like to say how pleased I have been with my £350... 320ise had it now since March 2012 which is when I 1st came on here, I have never needed to ask for any help as nothing has ever gone wrong with it surprising for a car nearly 20yrs old... that is until now!!

I sent it for a service three weeks ago, Oil\Filter and F\Brakes since then I have noticed a mechanical whining noise from the engine at around 1000rpm you can also hear it... its started to really bug me now... the noise is there when I rev the engine from 800rpm - 1000rpm you can almost feel a vibe through the steering wheel and pedals then its gone above 1000 rpm..... no other issues just don't want to start messing with it as that tends to be when things go wrong...

Guest Mister Dabsy

That could be anything Karl !

When does it happen, when the engine is cold, warm or all the time?

Try this... Operate the throttle from under the bonnet and locate the vibration !

As an initial guess I would inspect the pulleys at the front - Air-con and ancillaries ;)

Other suspects include - fan-belt(s), chain-tensioner, prop centre-bearing and maybe worn crank/cam shells (but I doubt that) !


Thanks Dabsy, I will need to have a good look tonight... the noise is present all the time hot or cold but as I say only between 800-1000rpm... the garage did make a note on the service sheet "due timing belt" as they would with a car that's done 159k (is it belt or chain? Its the M52 later 2.0ltr engine...)... maybe they have moved pulled on something and now I have a whine... it was totally fine before going in for service so they must of unsettled something...

Guest Mister Dabsy

Its a chain !!! :huh:

I agree, they've done something they needed not to do :angry: ... I would throw the keys at 'em matey ;)


Ya, M5* engines are all chain-driven engines mate. The bloke who wrote that might be a compitant grease monkey but clearly does not know his BMW powerplants.

Agree with Dabsy. Get her back to them.


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