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Hello all

Another newbie! I just purchased a 1998 Z3 2.8 Automatic roadster. I collected it on Sunday 1 June. The previous owner had not driven it for a while. When I started heading for the motorway, the steering started to wobble so violently it was scary. I couldn't drive through it at any speed so I slowed right down, intending to pull off at the nearest services, when suddenly it stopped wobbling and the steering was fine. I drove home (some 300 miles) at various speeds and the steering was rock solid. I guess I had driven maybe 5-6 miles before the wobble stopped. I am absolutely baffled and somewhat scared that it might reoccur. Previous owner said never happened before!

Please can anybody point to anything that might cause this, even obvious things. This is my first BMW and certainly my first car of this calibre, so I am floundering somewhat.

Many thanks.

Guest DazH

hi Ralph,

Welcome to our community

First things first, if you have never had to deal with something such as this, I would suggest taking it to your nearest BMW specialist as a dodgy suspension/steering components is incredibly dangerous if left untreated.

You have a big ol' straight six lump bolted into such a tiny car, I would not be surprised if your steering bushes are perished. Your mechanic will be able to tell you exactly what needs doing after a few minutes of prying at the bushes with a bit metal stick :rolleyes:. My guess is... bushes. Bushes all day. If you have no wild play in your steering, i doubt it is rack related.

There could be other reasons for this to happen but, a good start is bushes.



Thank you Daz for your reply. I contacted the previous owner who told me that this had never happened while he owned the car, but that it had been laid up for a few months and he wondered if anything had 'stuck' for a while and then freed itself! Can you think of anything that could cause this to happen? I have to say that the steering is now 100%, but I plan to let the local BMW agents have a look at it, as you suggest.

Your point about the lump of engine squeezed into such a small car is well made! The power is actually scary, and I find myself talking to myself when I drive, saying 'Concentrate. Concentrate'. It certainly gets the adrenalin flowing!


Guest jeffthro

Do as Daz suggests, get it checked out ASAP for your own piece of mind. I would suggest, however, NOT BMW main dealer. The labour charges are about double a perfectly reliable, decent local garage, and they will check everything out for you efficiently. Things like bushes, as Daz suggests, are easily checked, and any problem you may, or may not, have, will soon be found.

  • 2 weeks later...

I had this for a while after first buying the car. Had a couple of hairy moments on the motorway - even pulled over and checked the tyres thinking I'd got a flat. The car failed an MOT shortly afterwards and had to have the offside rear coil spring replaced (it was broken) - and I haven't had the wobbles since.

Might be worth a look.

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