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I have a 2003 X5 3.0d. The fuel gauge has been very tempermental, I bought the car 2 weeks ago and it had 3/4 of a tank, the fuel went down regulary as it should and when it was at 1/4 litre I put 50 litres of diesel in but the needle still remained at 1/4 two days later when I started the car the needle went up to nearly 3/4s giving me an acurate reading and when down as normal I drove the car quite a bit and put another 50litres in. The needle is now showing empty but it has plenty of fuel in it. I went to BMW and they said my car has 2 fuel level sensors, the passanger side is 100 euro and the driver side is 450 euro,,anyone have any ideas on how to determine which side is broken or is there a common one that fails?

Cheers and thanks in advance


I believe one reads lower levels the other higher (don't have a clue why) I also believe one is easy the other a real pig to change. I read a post on another forum. Have a look on www.realoem.com put the last 7 digits of your chassis number in and it will bring up the spec for your car, at least you will be able to see where they are and how they fit.

If you know someone with a BMW scanner get the codes read that may identify the guilty part with more accuracy.


Try Googling BMW 1.4.0 scanner for about 20 euro you can get yourself up and running on a lap top, you can read all your codes and reset if necessary. All errors have a straight forward explanation so easy to understand

I use one myself and even though I use a BMW specialist it is useful to know what the issue is before I get there (he is starting to believe I am a BMW guru) There are many small things that I do my self PDC repairs for one.

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