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Has anyone any experience of having a MAF repaired? The 91 525i I own apparently uses a Bosch item that is no longer listed (0280 213011) so in case this proves to be the cause of the idling problem I'm trying to find out in advance who might be able to deal with it.

Any ideas- I was thinking of trying an outfit like ATP industries in Cannock who re-manufacture various electronic sensors.




Hi john

Might be worth trying a company called ACTRONICS in Colchester.

I use them a lot for ecu, abs and instrument cluster repairs, I'm sure they

Do maf sensors also.

You have to go onto their website and do an online booking and send it to them

But they are very good.

May be worth giving them a call on 01206 849920

To check it's something they can do.





Thanks for the info and the possible places to look for repairs plus the suppliers of MAFS on ebay.

Unfortunately ACTRONICS don't currently repair MAFS and funnily enough neither do one of the major German Bosch outlets- I'd have thought this unusual in this day and age. I've not yet approached ATP which I've used in the past to source parts direct rather than pay Lotus's inflated prices (a Lucas Constant energy Module from Lotus- £140, the exact same module new from ATP- £23). I do know from a conversation I had with one of their staff a few months ago (unfortunately I can't remember his name) that they can definitely repair idle control valves- they charge £50 to test them but will deduct this £50 from the final bill.

This guy I spoke to said I was fortunate to get hold of him as apparently he personally provided a lot of the input in designing the fuel injection system for the E34 series.

As for the aftermarket ones- so far I've tried two, both from the same supplier in Spain (Origin I think they're called- they're on ebay)) at £69 each. Very nice seller as took them back without any quibble when I said that they made the engine run far worse. He was pretty adamant that they were equivalent to the 0280 213011 Maf but I suspect they might be specced for another model in the E34 series as they both exhibited a rhythmic misfire rather than an erratic one which made me suspect they were causing under-fuelling.

My local PARTCO store in Liverpool (just before Partco went belly up) reckoned they could still get hold of new Bosch Mafs despite no longer being made but at a price- £700 plus a £75 surcharge pending my current one in part-ex. Delivery in about 4 working days. Where do they get these prices from exactly?

Incidentally, for fellow owners, I'm relocating the idle control valve to a more convenient ie accessible location to the right of the throttle body. Some clever routing of new silicon hoses plus an extension to the plug connector and it'll mean that the valve will take no more than 30 minutes to remove- and without any skinned knuckles! I'll report how it works although I don't see why it should raise any issues in its new spot as it's only an air bleed valve in effect.




Hey John,

I have the same engine as your car in my old E28 and I got a replacement Bosch one about 2 years ago no problem. I would advise using the German ebay if you haven't already.

As for repairing a MAF. Honestly.... never heard of anyone repairing them as they are typically not a component repaired. I've always lived by; If it fails it's replaced. If a squirt of Maf cleaner does not solve the issue, it's chucked.




Thanks for all of the info posted. Something puzzling me- I've taken the inlet manifold off- again- and noticed something I've overlooked before. On the underside of the manifold at the bulkhead end there is a small, clipped in plastic hose take off point that fits a hose of about one tenth inch internal diameter. I don't see any loose hose lying around in the engine bay so could anybody tell me what this is for and to where it is connected or is it something that is only used for certain auxiliary devices that use vacuum. The fitting itself clips to the manifold using the same sort of plastic clip used for the idle control valve hose. It's fitted with an "O" ring so it must be powering/affecting something or maybe it should be blanked off.

Might explain the idle speed problems I'm having.

Regards and thanks




A quick update. False alarm- the "unattached" fitting actually connects to the fuel pressure regulator on the fuel rail- must get my eyes re-tested!

I've nearly finished relocating the idle control valve and am 100% (not 110%) confident there are no air intake leaks. just need to secure the valve using a custom made bracket and connect the last few hoses. Might not be quite as decorative an installation as BMW intended but it'll be a whole lot easier to replace the valve should the need arise.

incidentally, does any owner know if the orientation of the valve matters ie does it need to be on its side as per the original or is that irrelevant. I assume the rubber mount is to minimise vibration- although being originally bolted close to the block must create some internal vibration surely?

I'll let you know the results- probably this week




Hi john,

I've seen ICVs swivel round in all sorts of orientations. You should be okay positioning however way you like mate.


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