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Hi guys,

Has anyone installed springs to make the boot open button your key fob actually lift the boot lid? What springs did you use? and did you use the standard struts or fit stronger ones?


Hi, I fitted them to my x5 about a week ago, just unscrew top off the strut, slide spring over, heat up bit heat shrink that was supplied with springs to keep in place, put top strut back on, job done, works a treat.


They keep the boot up but they don't lift it if it's halfway up. I'll give it a shot, it's on my increasingly large To Do list.

I never should have let the wife know how much leave I got over Christmas as she insists on finding non car related things to fill my time with.



Kit arrived Saturday fitted Sunday took 10 mins.

However the springs were too long and would not allow the boot to close, A quick message to the seller, no reason for it unless some one in the past has replaced the struts with M3 ones.

Quite happy to refund so no problem.


Sorry to here that Mike, my boot has slight bit resistance just before it latches shut, if you haven't returned them yet I will measure mine and let you no just to make sure you have the correct springs, that way at least you will now it is the struts or springs, I no it won't help your situation but if I can work out how to ill post a quick video also. I thought it would just be a bit of a gimmick and show off piece but in the couple weeks iv had them fitted the feature has been very very handy, especially for Xmas shopping, loaded up like a over worked mule I just pop the button and bingo just sling the bags in. No in all seriousness it's come in very handy.

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