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Hi guys

since having my car back from bmw with

a new maf and intake boot and two new precat sensors

today while having a quick check the scanner picked up a pending and it is a

p0150 any help would be greatly appreciated

cheers dave


Thats an O2 Sensor code. If you have just had these replaced it may well be that the ECU hadn't compensated yet for the new parts and it was running rich or lean. I would clear the codes and see if they come back. If so it could be a dodgy sensor.


+1 O2 sensor code, my bet would be a loose connector as its just been "fixed" by BMW could be a connector not seated. Take it back with your "Mr Angry" hat on

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Hi everyone thanks for all your help with these faults mr angry worked at bmw

Code fixed all clear until tonite and while wife coming home this morning

Car started making a lot of noise

i checked it with scanner and it has a new one which is P0011

any ideas what to do with this code would be great

very unhappy at moment with beemer


Google tells me that's a camshaft position sensor code, could it be a coincidence? Or could a ham fisted Tech have dislodged something? Try looking on www.realoem.com for where its located so you can check. Or get the "Mr angry" hat on and ask BMW whats going on


cheers greydog

have phoned bmw to book car in again have started car again it sounds like a diesel not nice,after

starting and stopping it very quickly I checked codes again now I also have a code P0328 as well as the P0011

this new code is a knock sensor wiring fault I take it the other one might be as well any ideas would be gratefully



What model X5 do you have? You said BMW changed the MAF I would have them checking that they hadn't disturbed the sensor loom and connectors

If you look at www.realoem.com enter the last 7 digits of your VIN it will bring up the spec for your car. Then click browse parts then Engine Electrical system in Main Group and Ignition in the Sub Group then click on the sensor drawings, you will be able to see the part numbers (should you need them)

As you read your codes it would help you if you purchased a copy of BMW 1.4.0 or INPA (look on Ebay) they will allow you to do and understand much more as it will clearly identify the cause in English not code. You can reset faults and check whether they return (fault codes can be triggered by many things fro failed part to low battery voltage) Then when talking to the Dealer you will have more knowledge at your finger tips. Or if you are going to DIY again combined with realoem can help a great deal.

For my ten peneth I would be worried about causing engine damage driving it in its current state. However as this has all transpired since you had work done I still suspect a connector or two has been disturbed.


hi all

my x5 is a 2001 4.4 m sport having been to see bmw again and having changed the cam sensor with no

effect I came to the conclusion that they were just guessing even though they have all the gear there I still have the same codes

as before only difference is I now have two new pre cat o2 sensors one new cam sensor a new maf and sounds like a

bag of spanners. so thanks for greydogs advice I will get a scanner and do the job myself I am an engineer by trade any way

so here we go

cheers dave


There are 2 cam sensors on the V8 and 2 knock sensors. The knock sensors will throw the Check Engine light under load but can be reset and won't come back until the engine is under load again. Cam sensors will be your likely culprit, As they changed the MAF I would be checking the all the wiring and connectors on the left bank around the MAF. The wiring looking for any sign of breaks or damage. The connectors for correct seating, I would unplug each one visually inspect and spray connector cleaner then re-seat.

It's just too much of a coincidence that it all happened after the work was done. I am assuming all was quiet and smooth prior to the work?

If you get BMW 1.4.0 I used an old laptop that I had here and keep just for Diagnostics (Volvo, Subaru Merc, BMW) running Win 98 I have read of people having to faf about when loading it onto new machines. INPA apparently is more forgiving.

Good luck


hi greydog

thanks for helping me through this,i played about this morning with connectors but no joy I am not driving car around

anyway but can you swap cam sensors over as in the service history the bank 2 one is fairly new still the only code I have today since

playing with connectors is p0011 and noisy when we drove on Monday lovely and quiet asit has always been

cheers dave


realoem shows 2 Cam Sensors Part Number 12147539166 (item 3)


If it were crankshaft sensor then I doubt the engine would run at all so discard that for now. As the part numbers is the same there should be no problem swapping them if you do and read the codes the code should change PO021 I believe if it does you have a faulty sensor if the code doesn't change it could be a Vanos solenoid sticking or faulty on bank 1


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