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Just had trans fail safe come up on the dash when i went to start my car and now it wont start, it sounds like it is trying to start but doesn't start. Now its stuck outside my front door. What can this be? I urgently need a quick reply if anyone knows. Thanks


When you say it wont start is it turning over quickly? Or struggling?

My guess would be battery or starter motor. Battery top of the list low voltage + X5 = lots of scary messages my 4.4 threw Trans Fail Safe, ABS/SRS Suspension Inactive lights for a few weeks new battery cured it all. I have also read that a failing starter will draw massive current which causes all the scary lights to come on.




X5 are prone to all sort of error messages at times. Sometimes switching off and back on cures , if you have a flat battery thus will cause lots of problems on an x5. If battery is ok  try disconnecting the negative side of battery for 20 min. If that don't work disconnect the battery totally for 20 min the draw back with this is you will need yto reset everything once you reconnect the battery. 


thanks so much for replying so quick. yep you hit the nail on the head, battery. got my mate round to jump start me and it started on the 2nd attempt. my missus had my radio on with the engine off whilst we were cleaning it so i guess thats what caused it. BMW are good at making you crap yourself with scary dash readings haha. just took it for a half hr drive and switched it and off and restarted it first time so i'm a happy scotsman now. Would you recommend perhaps getting a new battery in the near future? Again thanks very much for getting back so quick. I love this forum and the members in it


If its an old battery I would replace. I have to charge mine on a regular basis ever since I had the tracker fitted. If you do charge it use the connections under the bonnet not direct on the battery. Glad hour all sorted 


Yay, result, really happy for you Mike. An X5 with all the bells and whistles can draw up to 60 amps without the engine running !!! 

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