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Hi can anyone out there tell me location of control unit transfer box had diagnostics scan : no message from transfer box,receiver transmission control, transmitter transfer box- as my 4x4 and abs lights still on guys said it could be knackered or or I've done something when changing fuel pump they where really helpful.DNA Autocare Nottingham


When I disconnected my battery the other day my 4x4 light stayed on. Had to drive about a mile before it went off. 


Simple things first, the transfer box actuator is mounted on the side of it underneath (looks like a windscreen wiper motor) check you haven't disturbed the plug/connector. Then check the fuses. I believe there are 2 if any of the connections fuses are not good you will see the fault lights. As you were underneath its possible that something was disturbed.

You can get servo motor repair kits the servo motor on the transfer box has been known to give issues. I am not sure but believe if you change the control module it needs re-coding to the car so lets hope you don't have to go that route.

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