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How do you stop vibration in an early X5 2003 rear parcel shelf I hwve tried bending rods and packing eith crease all with limited effect! 

It is diving me mad !!


Hi and welcome

Don't rattles get to you when you cant pin them down.

I don't want to teach Granny what to do with eggs but are you sure it is the parcel shelf/luggage cover? The luggage cover is a crude affair for such an expensive car first are all the little gear wheels in place at the end of the support rods? One missing or broken will cause a rattle, if you retract or remove the cover completely does the noise stop? The upper tailgate stops are adjustable and a known source of noises (cured my rattle), also the rear seat catches can be a source of rattles. Have you checked the storage cubby's either side for anything loose, same under the floor are all the wheel changing tools clipped in and secure nothing  loose I put the draft excluding tape suggested by Trevor under all the bits in the boot makes the clips tight but no chance of a rattle.

The most difficult to track down on my 4.6 was a rattle that sounded like it was in the dash somewhere eventually tracked it to 2 broken securing clips on the pollen filter housing under the bonnet at the bottom of the windscreen.

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