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Hi I wonder if anyone knows if the eadlights on a BMW 120 M Series Sport reg 2012 would be adjustable to conform with EU MOT requirements


Hi Paul....welcome to the Forum

It depends on what type of headlights you have, e.g. Xenons, Halogen, etc....

The easiest way is to park up in front of a wall at night and put the headlights on dip beam to see if the beam is flat or whether it kicks up to the left.

Sometimes, with projector beam type you can change it by adjusting a small lever to kick up to the right hand side for Europe.

Let us know what you find



Hi Trevor thanks for comimg back to me. Your response prompted me to call the parts dept at the local BMW dealership. They told me i had Xenon self adjusting lights. so no need for any action.The guys who was supposed to be advising me in Spain told me i had to replace them and quoted me 1000 euros each plus fitting!! Needless to ay i am grateful now = thank you!


Glad you've got a successful (and cheaper) outcome. If you're using the car in Spain for a prolonged period, I was reading an article yesterday saying that the authorities are only allowing a foreign registered car to stay in the country for no longer than one month. Not sure if that affects you?


Hi Trevor have you got a link to this article?

I am going through the process of registering the car in Spain hence the headlight situation. I had it confirmed with BMW dealer in the UK that the Xenon headlights dont need adjusting. Went to the MOT garage and they have told me that they need adjusting!!! Good old Espania!! So have been to a Spanish BMW dealer and they are contacting BMW Spain. And so it goes on!!



And it goes on - some of your members may take note. Here is a reply from the BMW dealer who emailed BMW Spain:

"Good afternoon, if I have news from BMW, but they tell me that we have to replace the complete headlights.

As I have not yet clear, I asked him if in the lighthouse itself you can not modify the beam of light, and at the moment they tell me that it is not possible, but that they will consult it.

At the moment I only have the certainty that you have to change both headlights.

I am trying to contact another specialist technician to see if the definitive solution is to change the headlights or there is another possibility.

I feel the delay, if on Monday I have no news about it, I will send an email with the budget to change both headlights.

a greeting."


Hi Trevor and so it goes on.....

Spoke with BMW UK who confirm that my BMW has adaptive Xenons and therefore should not need any adjustment or replacing to pass the Spanish MOT equivalent. I would have thought that the said headlights would conform throughout the EU and the British headlights were the same as the European equivalents as they should all be self adjusting! BMW Customer Services agree! I am awaiting a response in writing from BMW UK to confirm this as i intend to forward this to BMW Spain

The BMW dealer however has done some detailed research and disagrees. His response:

"Hello Paul, I have been reviewing all the additional components of the headlights and I can not find any difference between the vehicles with steering wheel to the right and left.

The only thing that varies are the headlights.

For this reason, I am sending you the replacement budget of both headlights so that the vehicle can circulate according to European regulations."


He is also quoting 900 Euros per headlight plus fitting and tax. Total of 2500 Euros!!! Bit Excessive don't you think?

I am mainly concerned that despite reassurances from UK, both dealer and BMW UK themselves, these are not accepted on the "other side of the road!"



I find this quite unbelievable!  

Firstly, we are in Europe and all headlamps are made to a European standard and stamped as such.

Secondly, what is the difference in the headlamps if the main objective is to aim the kick-up to the correct side (if any) so as not to create any undue dazzling for oncoming cars....that is it!

Years ago there were differences on the lens (glass lenses) that affected the parabolic beam pattern but on modern lamps, this is no longer the case.

I think they are having a laugh and are after as much money as they can extract from the British motorist.

Keep fighting and keep letting us know how it goes.


Just to add to the confusion, I have just searched www.realoem.com BMW online parts catalog and it shows the same part numbers for headlamp units both left and right hand drive??

In headlamp components it shows a part number 10 on the list as the Alignment element?

Paul I don't know if you use realoem just Google it and put the last 7 digits of your Vin into the search box then search headlight and see what you come up with.

What a can of worms


Hi Greydog Thanks for your help and the info! Talking of worms i have just received this cop out from BMW UK.


I would like to confirm that Xenon headlights are suitable for European drivers as they don’t blind oncoming drivers. However, it is always best to consult European driving laws to confirm if this is acceptable in their country.

 As this is conflicting information to what was told to you at a Spanish BMW Centre, I would recommend that you contact the Spanish Driving Laws and see what headlights are required for legal driving. "


Spanish Driving Laws!!!! Where are they?

So I am told that they are legal but they wont put it in writing so that i can show the authorities here! Besides which i was categorically assured when i bought the car that they would be legal. Have the laws changed since i bought the car? I wonder! Oh well the search goes on.




OK digging further with a little (well a lot actually) help from an old business buddy in Barcelona it seems the Spanish have 2 sets of what we term "Construction and Use Regs"

UNECE and EU, UNECE are United Nations regs for world approvals and EU obviously take precedence in Europe. Jose sent a couple of links 1st http://www.f2i2.net/VehiculosComponentes.aspx?lengua=En clearly shows that headlamps must comply with Regulation 112

2nd Is regulation 112 which I have attached in PDF format but as I read it it is clear that light units that are EU conformity marked and have a "passing" beam pattern are legal in all EU states. All Xenon lights do apparently and most can be set to Right or Left hand drive.

Jose works with Nissan in Barcelona and they don't have different light units for vehicles shipped to the UK the UK dealer adjusts them?

So the can of worms gets fuller ?? Jose says " set the lights to left hand drive say nothing and take it for a test " 

Good Luck Paul 



Hi Greydog thank you very much for your efforts. I am going to forward your efforts on to BMW and see what their opinion is. I can't see how to "Set the lights to left hand drive." I think in later models it's in the Idrive but not in this model. There may be a manual way of doing it!

I will post again soon!!!

Regards Paul



Thinking about the information gained it makes sense now that BMW show the same part numbers for left or right hand drive vehicles


Hi Greydog sent the information over to BMW but i think they're a bit aghast at what's in it!! Not sure they can take all that in, it may involve their technical department in good old Germany. Bless em!


I can see this turning into a game of "Pass the Parcel" sadly in our litigious world I wonder if corporations spend more time finding a way of avoiding liability or responsibility than helping their customers.

A simple question would be do BMW supply a different headlamp for Spain than the rest of Europe or the UK ?


You are quite right Greydog. They are all playing Pass the Buck. I have contacted BMW Corporate in Germany with your question. That should bring some interesting response!

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