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Sorry to be a pain guys but as a new owner I'm still working my way round the car to discover what it has to offer.

1) Servicing - I have been told by the dealer who sold the car to me that the recommended BMW service frequency is 24,000 miles or two years, whichever is sooner. Is this correct? MY last car, a Jaguar, had to be done every 12 months.

2) Fold back mirrors - My car doesn't have these. I would like to retrofit - have the mirrors already got the necessary wiring and motor and all I have to do is to plug and play a different driver's door control panel, which may or may not have the right wiring already installed? Basically, do I just have to replace the switch panel and nothing else?

3) Ski push through back seat - My back seat folds down, but I can't see any way of getting my golf clubs to push through the arm rest void. All I can see is a storage hole with a net in front when I pull the armrest off. If this is not an option on my car, why do the back seats fold down, for what reason?



You are not a pain Martin the only way we learn is by asking or observing.

Like many manufacturers BMW have taken advantage of long life oils to extend service periods, personally I still change oil and filter annually. I also change gearbox oil every 30k with diffs and transfer box (BMW say sealed for life ?? ZF who make the box say 60000 kilometers) So for me every 12 months minimum.

It would make sense that the main loom has all the connectors in place particularly if you have power memory seats the wiring in the door should be there. Have a look at www.newtis.info it's a BMW service data base that Dealers use for service info it should tell you what you need

Back seats I have no answer to other that using the information sites. The advantage of the X5 is my clubs and trolley fit in the boot along with my two sons stuff. 

Hope this helps



Thanks for the info Greydog, appreciated and helpful. My last three cars have been Jaguar and I was on a similar forum to this one. They proved invaluable and it would seem I have now found a BMW 'version' which is equally as friendly and helpful.

Many thanks


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