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Hello Everyone

After years in a VW camper I thought I needed something that was a bit more reliable over Christmas as my camper's been off the road for weeks while the garage tries to repair the automatic gear box again.

Just bought a low mileage e65 745i. Loads of electrical problems, I had satnav but used the CD multiplayer satvav flickered then no sat nav, the radio scans but doesn't get any stations and buzzing from speaker when I turn the car on there, seems to be a parasitic drain but I sat in the car for an hour and a half and it went to sleep, there's also been water in the spare wheel well which has been happening for some time, can't see where the water is coming from. I've fitted the correct battery and had it coded and the alternator charges at 13.5 on startup going up to about 14.6 at 30mph

I wanted to find out what's causing the problems, I'd especially like the radio back on and took the cables out from the modules in the back and they all had flashing red light. I wanted to loop them out but the loop I'd bought didn't fit. Can anyone point me in the right direction for a loop that will fit straight in?

Thanks a lot


Morning Dom

The water in the boot is a worry as BMW took to hiding a lot of sensitive stuff in there at about the year of your car. I did read some time ago that the seal on the rear light clusters was a point to check also the boot seal it's self.

I believe the system in your "7" is similar to the X5 and made up of Headunit, Radio, Cd Changer, Video/TV unit and Nav computer (CD or DVD) plus Telephone system. In the X5 it is all hidden in the boot apart from the Headunit of course. As the system is linked on the Ibus wierd things happen if a unit fails. One of the main suspect in the X5 is the BM54 radio module which is hidden under the spare wheel and just a small amount of water and it's goosed, it can cause battery drain and other strange behavior

Take a look at www.realoem.com a BMW Parts list with small exploded drawings put the last 7 digits of your Vin in the search box and it will bring up your specific build parts list. Also check www.newtis.info technical information as used by BMW dealers. Also google Pelican parts an American site but it's only the steering on the wrong side!! Plenty of how too's and pictures on their site.

Good luck, hope this helps



Thanks for the advice. Fortunately, on mine the consoles are side-mounted and all have fibre signals but I couldn't get the loop to fit on and bypass the units one at a time. There's no trace of where the water's coming in from and there's no tell-tale trail from the light. I read of one guy clambering into the boot and having water poured over rear screen, going to give that a go. 


I've had another diagnosis done and the radio works but the tuner's kaput.  Mine is a 2002 e65  and realoem lists 65 20 6 976 779  as the part number.  It seems hard to find - only one on Ebay and that's in the US. Can anyone suggest other E65 tuners and if poss a part number that will fit? 


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