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Hi all, this is my first post, so hopefully get some responses.

We have a 2008 x3, 2,0 diesel, with a ZF auto 5 speed g/box. it seems a bit 'lumpy' sometimes changing gear.

Sometimes it jumps out of gear, seems to be when changing up 3rd to 4th or 4th to 5th gear. the car looses drive and the warning light comes on 

(yellow ) if we stop the car, put back into park and restart the engine all is fine again, until it happens again, sometimes next day, sometimes 1 week???

I changed the gearbox oil ( at great expense !!!! ) hoping this would solve it, but it didn't.

Any suggestions would be welcome, thanks John.


Hi John....welcome to the Forum

I would certainly take it to a reputable automatic transmission repairer/specialist to get them to scan the ECU and see what is occurring, it could be something as simple as a spurious sensor reading making the transmission react to the false signal (e.g. road speed sensor, etc)

Let us know what you find



Hi John

Trevor is correct in suggesting a transmission specialist make sure they are ZF agents or approved repairers. Just a question I thought all ZF boxes fitted after 2006 were GA6HP19Z 6 speed boxes. 

Check www.realoem.com put in the last 7 digits of your Vin that will bring up your model then check the Gearbox section for numbers. I don't want to be a doom monger but if someone has refilled your box with the incorrect fluid it could kill the transmission.

ZF recommend service/fluid and filter changes every 60 to 80000 miles BMW used to say sealed for life (read end of warranty as life) sadly they are not the only Manufacturer who says this.

Fingers Crossed



Hello Dave, you are correct, it is a 6 speed box, when I changed the fluid I did use the correct BMW fluid, and I am sure that it had not been changed previously as I have had the car for some years.

I do like the car, I am lucky that I can do most of the repairs myself, as I am sure that I wouldn't like it as much if I had to pay BMW to do the repairs, including turbo change, transfer case actuator etc.


Hi John

Like you I do 90% of my own just using the Garage for annual service/MOT to keep the service records stamped. I am sure I read somewhere that there were some issues with the Mechatoric valve body solenoids with the early 6 speeds but can't find it now? A ZF agent will be able to plug in and diagnose accurately so you can make a more informed decision, good luck.


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