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Looking for a clue! My 320 has lost power to windows,roof,mirrors.Have checked fuses all ok did have windows fuse blow some time ago and replaced, Haven’t a clue how to approach this help much appriciated !


Hi Jim....welcome to the Forum

If the fuse blew before and you replaced it then it must have an issue somewhere in the electrical system to cause the fuse to blow.

I would check the replacement fuse hasn't blown and also disconnect components until you eliminate the cause of the overload.

My guess is one of the window motors is straining (sticking mechanism, etc) which is causing the electrical overload


Hi Jim

When you say you have lost power to windows, roof, mirrors does your car have electric seat and steering wheel adjustment? 

I can see windows and mirrors being linked so check check for fuses and relays in the circuit my brother inlaws 530d has had electrical issues which we traced to one of the earth blocks, the main mounting was corroded so several circuits that were earthed through it were giving trouble.

You say roof is your soft top powered? may be a common earth/relay problem.

Have a look at www.newtis.info then look for any mechanical/electrical information wiring diagrams etc if you need parts check www.realoem.com 

Good luck 


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