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Hi took my car into local BMW dealer to get the sat nav updated, they succeeded in wiping all the maps off and now say it needs a new head unit. 1st question, has anyone had this happen to them and secondly who should pay for the new unit. The car is a 2012 5 series GT. At present they say they are trying to get BMW to pay for it but I am loosing all confidence in them as they don't answer the phone or ring you back as promised. Any help/ advise please. Dave


Morning Dave

That's a new one I don't think I have heard or read of this before. As you have taken it to a BMW Dealer I take it the car has a full BMW History. My simplistic view is "it was working fine when it came to you, something you have done has caused the issue. As the car was in your care it is your responsibility to fix it fast" 

What you don't want or need is for you to be car less while the Dealer and BMW argue over who's Insurer should pay. I am sure they have given you a loan car (well I hope they have) but that is not the point I would up the anti write/email them saying you want a resolution and a date for completion, at least then you have a record..Itemize the list of failures promises to call etc, and the time frame to date. Escalate your complaint by addressing the Service Manager but copying the Dealer Manager, MD or Directors and BMW Customer Services on all emails.

If push comes to shove then ultimately there is the small claims court I am sure neither the Dealer or BMW want a court action for damages.

I went through a painful process with a Mercedes Dealer with an AMG that had super charger issues, the Dealers attitude was you have a loan car what's your problem! as they had had my £80k car longer than I had? I ran out of patience and issued a small claims action the response was electric Dealer MD called me to ask why I was doing this?  He too thought the fact that they had given me a loan car made it OK he didn't get "I brought an AMG not a C class diesel", Short story they settled out of court fixed my car in a week and paid compensation. The best bit was taking the car back for service you could see the Service Manager cringe when I walked through the door, service was instant though.

Push hard Good Luck



Hi Greydog, thanks for your reply, I have had a phone call from the dealer today and BMW have agreed to cover the full cost so a new one on order, but has to come from Germany. So all seems well. Thanks Dave

  • 5 months later...

I recently bought a 3 series, 2012 and found it had the original maps. Never been updated.

Found www.satnavupgrades.co.uk and have had great service from them.

Latest upgrade is 2020-1 and I got it for £35 but that may vary depending on which flavour of Sat-Nav you have.

If it's the same as mine (our car years are the same) then you get sent a series of files via bit-torrent which you then download, unpack and transfer to a usb drive which you then insert in the usb port in the glovebox. You just need a little bit of computer know-how and about an hour or so of time, most of which is the download processing time (It's 25 Gb).

Bear this in mind for next time !!

Hope it helps.



Hi SilverJohn , thanks for that, not very good with computers and my local dealer has fitted a new head unit and up to date maps so I am ok at the minute. Thanks for your reply though. Dave

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