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I'm looking at buying a secondhand X1 because from everything I've read about them they seem to be really reliable cars. I've got a limited budget and so I've been looking at 2012's. 

I'm not to most mechanically minded, so what I was was wondering is there anything obvious I should be looking out for that I should avoid? The milage seems to be around 100k on these too, how high is too high for a car this age?

Thank you - David



Morning David

Welcome to the Forum

The X1 is a great car with the benefit of AWD your chosen model has the improved N47 engine I believe.

Any car purchase is a real mix of heart and head. So Head first. As ever history is paramount has it been serviced correctly and on time even better with interim oil changes as well. BMW like all manufacturers use "long life oils" to extend service intervals I (and many other engineers) don't trust them. Make absolutely sure that everything works as it should there are no quick or cheap fixes so every button every switch. When going on the test drive find somewhere you can drive slowly on full lock forwards and backwards feel for any jerkyness snatching through the wheel (there should be none) when you stop the car open the drivers door before switching off listen for any clicking as you turn off (there should be none).

Budget for a gearbox service if it hasn't been done already

Tyre's make sure all 4 tyres are correct for your car BMW recommend "star rated" tyres from approved manufacturers (I think the X1 used Bridgestone or Michelin run flats) the tyres should be (a) all the correct size and from the same manufacturer with even tread wear front and rear. If the tread is low then it's a negotiating tool as a new set of BMW recommended tyres could set you back £1k depending on wheel size. If the tyres are mis-matched or oddly worn walk away (don't let your heart over rule your head) an X drive car driven on poor/wrong tyres will have premature transfer case issues.

Now Heart, is the colour what you want and in good condition, is the interior what you want and in good condition with all the bells and whistles. Wheels, are they the style and colour you want ?

If it all fit's enjoy your new BMW



Hello Dave,

Thank you for that, it's really helpful, it wouldn't have crossed my mind to do a slow test, I'd normally be shooting off somewhere! Unfortunately I've bought with the heart instead of the head in the past and it's lead to some big garage bills, so thanks again.



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