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When the car had a Terraclean, the dealer said there were loads of faults recorded so I took the plunge and bought a Carly adaptor and have done a session, but don't understand some of the results and not sure how to rectify. Report below


Engine / Motor

Fault Code: 004A74

Fault Explanation: Glow system, communication

Fault Code: 004A79

Fault Explanation: Glow system, communication

Fault Code: 0040E9

Fault Explanation: Abgasrueckfuehrsteller, position control

Fault Code: 004C9E

Fault Explanation: Abgasrueckfuehrventil, plausibility

Fault Code: 004507

Fault Explanation: Abgasrueckfuehr control, control deviation

Fault Code: 004B1C

Fault Explanation: Fuel filter heater, control






Hi Ian

The first codes are glow plug related (I would think you have at least 2 glow plugs down) the next 3 are I would think EGR valve related (if my translation is correct so it could be a problem with your toaster??) Last one I remember reading about a recall or technical bulletin to do with this (I don't have a diesel so  )

Depending on how many miles your beasty has covered your glow plugs (pre-heating system) could well be past it's best, if it has just been teracleaned I would hope the EGR valve is clean?  Or has an EGR delete blanking plate been fitted?

First step I would take is reset all the fault codes then run the engine and see what if anything returns, then deal with that. If mileage is high I would consider changing the glow plugs and the glow plug controller plus clean the EGR valve and make sure it is operating correctly.

Check www.newtis.info for service information and how too's

I hope this helps



Cheers again Dave. I suspected the first ones were glow plug related, but wasn't sure. Will reset and if the EGR one comes up again which I suspect it will I shall return to the garage which did the Terraclean and see what they say.


Hi Ian

Experience from one of our sons Toyota a really gummed up EGR often still is gummed up even after Terraclean treatment, we took his off and found a surprising amount of crud still in there which needed literally chiseling out and then soaking in petrol then scraping a few hours work and we had the valve operating when a vacuum was applied. Reassembled everything and warmed it up then of he went for test drive he gave it a blast on the dual carriageway when he came back he had a big grin and said it was going well but the cloud of black smoke it blew out when he floored it looked like a "Harry Potter" special effect.



So took off the EGR valve today and it seems to be working fine, so I've been looking further upstream. The EGR is vacuum operated, the vacuum being supplied by a little pump mounted near to it. When I put power to this I just get a heavy click, should it spin up as I suspect there is a little electric motor in there???


Hi Ian

Sorry I am a bit in the dark with the way BMW control their Diesel engines as I have never owned one. My diesel experience is limited to the kids they all drive diesel but none are BMW.

Have you checked www.realoem.com put the last 7 digits of your Vin number in the search box it will bring up your model then search for what you need you can also search by part number. There are small exploded drawings that may help. Also look at www.newtis.info a BMW technical information site there must be a description somewhere of how it is meant to work. From memory the turbo actuators are also vacuum controlled could there be a link?



Bought a new unit, and it does the same as the old one when connected to a battery so it's going to be returned - the connector is not identical so hopefully can get my money back. The 2 lines which enter it are labelled vac and out, the EGR being connected to out. One line splits then runs via what looks like a solenoid to I think the turbo whilst another disappears over the top of the engine towards the bulk head  - next task is to trace these lines


Checked the ones I can see and one looked a little dodgey so replaced it, now when I rerun the diagnostics I have no faults not even in the cold start system which I don't believe

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