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I wondered if anyone out there can help me? i am new to this site and i have a problem with my 330i Coupe Auto on a 2007 plate,

The car has been running sound for the last 3 years then a couple of months ago i heard like a rubbing sound coming from my engine and when i came to a stop the revs were all over the place and the car was shaking and it sounded like it was running on 5 cylinders rather than 6, i turned the engine off and then the car was fine for about 500 miles, since then it's happened again three times and the same again, i turn it off and then it runs fine. The problems seems to be more frequent now, any advice will be much appreciated.




HI David.....welcome to the Forum

Those engine revs are low, could be gummed up idle control valve, it could also be a Vanos fault but could also be a sensor malfunction.

If it is a Vanos fault then I would recommend replacing the engine oil (if it is due/overdue) and refiling with a quality brand.
As the Vanos system relies on good oil pressure to operate then this could be a simple fix.

If it is a sensor then you should be able to extract a fault code or two from the ECU and therefore narrow down the possible cause of the lumpiness.
Also, as there is no Engine Management light displaying then it is more than likely a mechanical issue.

Let us know what you find


Hi Trevor,


Thank you ever so much for your reply, yes my car is in need of a service which i am having next Tuesday, if this doesn't cure my problem i will try your other suggestions.


If my vanos selenoids are faulty or the idle control valve would this bring on my engine management light or could they still be faulty without bringing on my engine management light? Also can there be errors codes i can extract even if therte is no management light present?

Thanks, Dave


Hi David

The BMW DME will retain all codes until they are cleared, my code reader shows it as "fault not present" with an orange block next to it this shows a a fault registered that isn't currently there. A red block is a fault present, both are followed by a description of the offending item (Thermal Oil Level Sensor) is my current intermittent one



Thanks Dave

I have tested for codes and no codes are stored.

Can anybody tell me the best oil to use for my car? It’s a 3.0 litre straight 6 272bhp with 130500 miles. 



Are you using a BMW specific code reader INPA, BMW 1.4.0, Autologic, Carly for BMW? or a generic code reader. I use BMW 1.4.0 and it will allow scanning of all individual control units

The attached is a screen shot from BMW 1.4.0 the left column identifies the control unit there are 3 pages so depending on model and spec all are covered. I a fault or faults are logged they are held in the memory of that unit until they are cleared after repair. Intermittent faults often show as "Fault not Present"


I.4.0 Screen 1.jpg


Hi Dave,

I’m just using a standard reader which unfortunately will just get codes an enable me to erase codes


OK, to be sure what the issue is an avoid throwing money at it changing parts I would get hold of a copy of a BMW diagnostic or ask if a member near you can run a scan for you.

My preference would always be having my own but that's me, bit OCD with stuff like this. I brought mine from Ebay cost about a tenner and simple to use, there are others INPA, ISTA etc but 1.4.0 has served me well so far.

I am in West Sussex if it helps



Hi Dave

I also bought my OBD reader from ebay which I used a couple of years ago when I had a vanos solenoid (oil) problem, my car is in for a full service on Tuesday in Hull, I’m hoping the use of a good quality oil and a idle control valve clean will cure the problem, if not it’s off to a BMW specialist.

 I will post the outcome as this may help other people who may encounter the same problem. 


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