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Cheers to community,
I have an bmw e60 520d from 2006 and I can't finish dvd changer retrofit on this car.I don't know where I wrong.
dvd works on the car in a proportion of 80% I say. I have the controls on the steering wheel: before, back, play, pause everything work perfect, except the menu for changing DVDs from 1 to 6. There I have the gray band, I do not understand why. I use the original program ISTA and there it tells me that the dvd changer does not communicate with the car .in the tree list is marked with RED . Otherwise the cdc does not available anymore on the car. Who made me this retrofit told me that the car does not accept at the same time cdc and dvd changer. It would not be the problem for me anyway. I give up the definitive at Cd Changer

-But why does the reality on the testers never beat the reality on the car?

So is not communicate with the car on the tester, but the dvd on car working at 80%. I do not explain. Is it somehow wrong, is there a conflict with the cdc that I can not see the menu of changing DVDs? Where am I wrong?
I attach some pics and a movie.Can u help me to understand where I wrong?Also Sometime the video image is flickering..








Morning Bogdan

Welcome to the Forum

Are you sure you have the right changer? My brother In-laws 5 series touring has Cd Changer in the boot and the DVD changer is in the glove box ??

Look at www.realoem.com put the last 7 digits of you Vin Number into the search box it will bring up your model the check out the Audi section.



is not the right changer , is form F series but is compatible with E60 I know for sure.Look this guy have the same car like me,the same changer like me and his changer working without any problems.He  can select dvd changer from 1 to 6.




If your car was originally configured for a CD unit it may not have a video module fitted which is needed to convert the signal from the DVD unit. If the guy you brought from's car was configured with a video module then the DVD will work.

My brother in-law ordered his with CD and DVD with rear entertainment as I said his Cd Changer is in the boot and the DVD in the glove box.

I would go back to www.realoem.com as I advised to see if a video module was specified for your car. Also check out www.newtis.info for wiring diagrams that may help plus any retrofit information.



Greydog try to watch more carefull at my first post.I have videomodule in my car and video module is working perfect without problem.this movie is form my car



As I advised look at realoem and newtis if you do you will see that the Cd Changer is NOT wired through the Video controller. TV Nav and DVD if fitted are wired to the Video module.

Also if the car was not originally configured for a DVD you may need some additional loom sections and the bus controller will need to have the DVD changer registered



 of course dvd is wired at video module,because the image on CID screen is from videomodule.Without videomodule  the dvdc retrofit is not possible I know.Cd changer is officialy DEAD like I said on first post because on MOST ring is not possible to have simulateneously dvdc and cdc.

S672 cdc is disabled on most,In VO option S672 is no longer available.he is good only to close the loop ring most,because if I remove cdc from glove box TV and DVD is disabled automatically because the most ring remains in the air does not close the fiber loop.

And I don t know why cdc on tree list is still on because in vehicle order is no longer available.



my car  was not originally configured for a DVD or TV.I made the reftofit on TV and DVD.can u tell me pls what mean loom section and the bus controller?maybe here is a trick and I don t know



Look at the wiring diagrams in newtis Read the information on fitting/retro-fitting items and registering them with the bus controller.Then look at realoem to get the correct part numbers for the part you need.

You are clever enough to have retro fitted TV so just use the information available to make sure it is correct and units are compatible and whether it needs coding with ZCS

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