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Hi all! I purchased a used 2018 X1. I have reset the #1 seat button to my settings as directed. Unfortunately it occasionally moves back to what I am assuming is the previous owners settings. How can I get it to stay on my settings and not change unless #2 button is pushed for my husbands settings?  Thank you in advance for your help!


Morning Breck

Welcome to the Forum

You could try disconnecting the battery for 30mins this resets everything and should clear the seat memory ( Dealers often use this trick) Make sure you disconnect the Negative terminal first then the Positive, once disconnected some folk touch the 2 terminals together to clear any static charge left ( I have never bothered)

Then try resetting the seat memory

Good Luck



Are you using 2 keys? Is one set up for you and one set up for the other user, so when you unlock the car, it automatically switches? 


Right now I'm only using one set of keys that are programmed for me and I have been the only one driving it. When it switches from my setting it's switching to something random or previous - not the #2 setting. 


Morning Breck

There is a set sequence for storing the memory settings to the drivers seat there are also a set number of settings that can be stored, 4 I think for your car. If all memory settings are used they must be cleared before you can store yours.

1. Store seat and exterior mirrors. Move the seat and mirrors to your setting press M it illuminates then press the number (1or2) that you want to use. The position is now stored. Push and hold which ever button you used and the seat should move to your set position

2. If you want to store the settings to your Key Fob go Settings in the Idrive the Door Key should be checked select Profile make sure the profile selected is free (not checked) select the profile with the check box then press lock/unlock on your key fob seat settings are now stored on your key. When you unlock the seat/mirrors will move to your settings.

Remember if all the profiles are checked then you have someone elses prefferences stored, UN CHECK them to clear them sometimes you may have to disconnect the battery to clear settings.



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