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I have an advisory on my MOT and wondered if anyone can help me solve the problem. I have a 2013 320d M Sport convertible and the rear off side light cluster - the one that is part of the tailgate - is giving problems. The fog lamp in the cluster works fine but the bottom tail lamp part (I believe they are LEDs?) doesn't. I've had the whole assembly off the car and checked it with a circuit tester and it doesn't show a problem, but connected to the car it doesn't illuminate. The cluster to the right of it that is part of the main body/wing is fine.

I believe there was a recall some time ago about a lamp issue. Can anyone throw some light on it please or help me sort the problem out. The fault it would seem doesn't lie with the bulbs themselves, more like power getting to them although as I said before, the fog lamp is working and uses the same plug.


Morning Martin

I thought the recall was for the brake lights but could very well be wrong, you can check online if there are any outstanding recalls for your car at https://www.check-mot.service.gov.uk/ put your reg in the box and search outstanding recalls

You have checked that the lamp actually illuminates off the car? Also have you checked power at the connector? Have you tried contact cleaner on the connector to see if that works.

If you need a wiring diagram take a look at www.newtis.info just put the last 7 digits of your vin in the search box then when your model is called up search the wiring diagrams.

Good Luck 



Hi Dave

Thanks for the info. No recalls on my car it would seem. What I will do today is to put a 12v source on the LEDs with the unit totally disconnected from the car, then I will place a test bulb on the wires going to the unit with it all connected to the car - process of elimination. I understood LEDs never blow like conventional bulbs.




Hi Martin 

Don't believe it LED's fail just like an ordinary lamp plus if they are the daisy chain type it will depend on the circuit board as to whether it looks like missing teeth or doesn't work at all.


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