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Being disabled I am considering changing the drivers seat to power,if I can find one?

Does it just need a power feed or is it more complex,is it possible the power plug is already fitted?


Hi jim

the loom might already be fitted and you can just plug it in. If I am right, which is not often... you can just run a 12v feed to the seat if needed, although when you switch the engine off it won’t revert back or remember settings. 
what model is your car?

my seats in thex5 have memory from the ecu so when I get in, the seat and heaters and radio and mirrors , steering wheel etc move to my preferred position. Likewise if my wife uses her key it does the same for her. 

this is an option if the loom is in place and the seats can be programmed for comfort entry I think it’s called. 


Hi Jim

Check www.realoem.com put the last 7 digits of your Vin into the search box it will bring up your model then look in the Seat section it should give what options Manual, Powered or Powered with memory. If it shows the powered options it is pretty certain the loom is there, then search for the seat you want in the right colour. Heated seats may take a bit more work as you will need the switches and controller


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