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BTW I have INPA 5.02 EDIBIAS 6.47 (+Crack) I followed the README but, it says: app32.dll is missing -> Try reinstalling etc.


Morning Clive

She isn't giving you much rest is she !!!

The main warning and the probable cause of the CEL is the O2 sensor one. I would spend a while checking the inlet side for leaks Vac lines and pressure side plus test the sensors and their wiring. If I recall you have 3 sensors, 2 pre-cat and one post cat, check the wiring hasn't been damaged and the correct resistance on each sensor. If one is out personally I would change all 3.

With INPA when I brought mine I purchased from a guy in Banbury UK who gave excellent support and spent some time on the phone with me getting it running. As far as the missing DLL if you have a windows disc you should be able find and load it from there.

We have had a sprinkle of snow here and 10 days of freezing temps and my LCM has gone on the blink, damn and its only 17 years old !!  These things never go wonky on a pleasant sunny day do they.

Take Care




I am going for some windows support - I don't have the windows disc(s)

I think my cable/DVD combo are suspect so, I am looking for a INPA/INSTA download online to try

I think I have 2 sensors #1 precat Bank#1 and Bank#2 - 2 sensors #2 Bank#1 and Bank#2 = 4 sensors total?

My understanding is: the front 3x cylinders are treated as bank#1 and separate from the rear 3x cylinders bank#2 each has it's own exhaust(?)


I bought the CARLY bluetooth dongle and loaded the app - it will let me do some functions on my phone. (Arrives in a week or so...) Another learning curve!


I ended up doing an "Italian Tuneup" today - heading across Toronto on the super-slab hwy401 I ended up cruising at 100mph

After some minutes of that, the check engine light went out and I checked the codes - down to this now

Kind of encourages: "Drive it like you stole it!"



Morning Clive

Sorry old head on yesterday, yours is the USA spec N54 so you have 2 cat's so 4 lambda sensors. 

Some welly and letting the car clear it's throat seems to have helped a little, watch out for the Mounties 😈 Smooth at that pace aren't they 😁




EYUP, our speed limit is 100kph - I see 100 quite often but it's 100mph!

A non-event basically, good bones on these cars!

The TOYOs really go in the snow too...


I got OBDfusion working on my phone today

It will delete/remove the codes, I did that and now I can start with a clean slate.

Trying to figure out INPA but, best I can figure is the "copy" I have came with the cable and it is for XP?

Is there a preferred website for downloading INPA? I have windows 7... I assume it would be 5.02 with EDIABAS 6.47?


Hi Clive

I believe they are backward compatible so you should be OK with 7 unless it is for 64bit

I brought mine from a guy on Ebay he was very professional and spent time on the phone and on line to make sure everything was working. He is in the UK but it may be worth contacting him to see if he can help (see the attached link  http://feedback.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewFeedback&userid=djwwautodiagnostics&iid=203061387937&ssPageName=VIP:feedback&ftab=FeedbackAsSeller&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2560

Hope it helps



I have an INPA download from Bimmerfest.com - installed with cable etc.

I pulled out all the stuff that came on the burner DVD (+Crack) because it made me nervous.

Now I'm really scared!

Going to have a look and see what I can see... blind leading the blind!

Other than all the GONGs, BONGs and Blnken Lights (No spitzen sparken!) I am really enjoying my new ride

and I successfully added some trailer lighting without smoking anything and ran down the highway with my dirtbike

for a nice sunny day ride in the snow!








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