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I have 2006 e83 2.0d m47 Manuel gearbox

Since buying it it has a noise only seems in 4th gear around 40mph when accelerating sound like a bearing failing but if I stop accelerating it stops all other gears are fine it's had a new clutch and gear linkage recently and for some reason when trying put it in 1st gear about half way it's like their is somthing stopping it but if I put it in 5th gear then put it in 1st gear it's fine 

Up to now I've changed oil in both diffs and transfer case 

Next thing I'm gonna try is changing oil in gearbox 

As anyone else had this problem and managed to fix it 

Dunno if it's related but recently my trip computer is saying 18 to 19 mpg I would of though it would be more than that



Morning John

Poor old gearboxes often get seriously abused, many never see an oil/filter change in their working lives regardless of miles covered. Engine oil and filter often changed more than needed but gearbox???

19 mpg from a 2ltr diesel 😟 that is about the same as my 4.6 ltr V8 ?? I would say there are definitely some engine issues, at a guess you still have DPF regen issues or something, definitely not right. Your gearbox would have to be binding so badly you would feel/hear something wrong I would think.



I'm going do an oil change this week on gear box see if that helps but the only trouble I have it getting it go in 1st unless I put it in 5th gear then 1 st and like a bearing noise in 4th gear around 40mph 

Il have go for a drive Init see if it is a case or dpf regen work that I've had done on engine recently is

new glow plugs 

Swirl flap delete with new inlet seals

New vortex breather thinks its called vortex the little housing  on top of rocker cover 

Dpf was blocked so had take it off and clean inlet and egr valve was the same so cleaned them not had the car that long but since cleaning everything it runs alot better just low mpg  I've scanned it for codes an their are no fault codes onky for air bag 


Hi john

One of my neighbours runs a 120d they are around 40mpg average so even allowing some trade off for AWD your still way off 

There are 2 temp sensors and thermostats from what I know about BMW diesels one on the EGR one on the engine water pump. If one of them is out of kilter from what I have read your DPF will not regenerate. Dealers can "force" a regen using software I don't know what Diagnostics you have but worth Googling You Tube to see how it's done?

With my son's Toyota he has to keep engine revs at around 3k for 10/15 mins driving to start the regen process (advice from the Toyota Dealer) so he leaves it in 3rd and gives it a blast up and down the M23.

The SRS fault with my X5 was the passenger seat occupancy sensor, unplugged contact spray and reconnected fault gone


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