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I’ve just had my x5 stolen an recovered but they have taken out the cic system I think that powers everything on the I drive so’s system, sat nav, music everything dose anyone know if I can buy a second hand unit an get it coded for my car? Any help would be appreciated thanks 👍


Morning Craig

Welcome to the Forum

Scum bags 

Short answer is yes, first make sure you buy the correct version for your car. Check www.realoem.com put your vin in the search box it will bring up your model. Then check the section you need for the part number, if you double click the part number it will show alternative numbers that can be used, if any are available.

Then you need someone with the diagnostic software to register it to your chassis. BMW Dealers will say it can't be done unless it's a new unit £££

Try a BMW specialist or maybe a helpful soul on here



Thanks or getting back to me  Dave much appreciated! An yes they are Oxygen thieves! Scum 😤 hopefully I’ll get it sorted without it’s costing me too much still waiting for bmw to get back to me on this an I spoke with one bmw specialist an he said it’s a main dealer job to code it so I’m assuming that if I bought a second hand unit then they can code it as long as it’s the right one. Thanks again 👍


Hi Craig

Don't believe what you are told I have an issue at the moment with my X5 (failed LCM) Two specialists said main dealer only as it has to be registered to the car and you can only do that with a new unit.

Guess what after some research I find that it is straight forward to re-code a second hand unit with the software I already have. Price quoted £1350 LCM + coding. Re-cycled unit (latest version) £80, time to remove old unit fit new unit and recode/code 50 mins 

To register units to your chassis your Vin number needs entering into the register box so I am sure you will find someone who can do it if BMW wont can you get any help from the insurance? Or even your home insurance?



Yeh that’s what what I was Hoping for rather than have to go through main dealer because I was trying not to claim on my insurance but it has already doubled my monthly’s the car is going to be Categorised as stolen Recovered now so I might Aswell pay my excess but that’s £1600 🤢 I agreeed the £600 but they have hit me with £1000 on top of it compulsory they have said so it’s going to cost me one way or another am just gutted I never caught them taking it! Anyone know anything about a ghost system will this stop any future thrives or can they get past that Aswell? Thanks for the reply 👍


How did they take it ? Did they clone the key ? 

When I had the last AMG there were 2 attempts, guys on the drive woke the dogs who woke us. After the first attempt I got a Faraday pouch to keep the keys in they can't be read and cloned then. When they came back they spent a few minutes but must have realised they had been spotted we gave good footage from the security cameras to the Police including the number of the car they came in but have never heard if anything came of it.


Yeh they did clone the keys from outside the house I think, I have them on cctv Aswell but my dogs never heard them unfortunately I’ll have to get one of those bags for the keys definitely! I’m also using another car to block my drive way so they have to get that out the way b4 they can take the x5 again.

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