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Hi battybird. Welcome. 
im sure you can register one to the car if you have the correct software. 
what model do you have? Year? 

@Greydogwill be able to tell you more 👍🏻


Morning William

You will need Diagnostic  programs like BMW 1.4.0 or INPA/ISTA don't know about Carley for BMW and iCarsoft as I haven't used them.

Registration is straight forward 


On 2/26/2021 at 8:27 AM, Greydog said:

Morning William

You will need Diagnostic  programs like BMW 1.4.0 or INPA/ISTA don't know about Carley for BMW and iCarsoft as I haven't used them.

Registration is straight forward 


So Dave, do you physically fit battery first then register? Is there a way to register without using an app?


Morning Richard

As I understand BMW introduced "Smart Charging" in around 2005/6 (could be earlier in some markets) this seems to coincide with Stop/Start systems and the introduction of AGM batteries.

The smart charging system is only supposed to charge the battery when it needs it. As I understand if the battery is either wrong type or not registered everything works but the battery will become over charged which can cause system damage and or kill the new battery pretty quick.

On my brother inlaws E61 I used INPA/ISTA just tell the car it has a new battery size/type and click OK, we followed a good old Youtube how to. I am not aware of there being another way (onboard system), that doesn't mean there isn't though as I haven't checked. BMW say it is to help reduce emissions and extend component life!! The old cynic in me says they want to keep hold of your wallet for longer, thankfully my X5 predates most of this stuff.


On 3/7/2021 at 8:00 AM, Greydog said:

Morning Richard

As I understand BMW introduced "Smart Charging" in around 2005/6 (could be earlier in some markets) this seems to coincide with Stop/Start systems and the introduction of AGM batteries.

The smart charging system is only supposed to charge the battery when it needs it. As I understand if the battery is either wrong type or not registered everything works but the battery will become over charged which can cause system damage and or kill the new battery pretty quick.

On my brother inlaws E61 I used INPA/ISTA just tell the car it has a new battery size/type and click OK, we followed a good old Youtube how to. I am not aware of there being another way (onboard system), that doesn't mean there isn't though as I haven't checked. BMW say it is to help reduce emissions and extend component life!! The old cynic in me says they want to keep hold of your wallet for longer, thankfully my X5 predates most of this stuff.


Thanks Dave. Much appreciated.

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