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Hi Need some advice Please  I’ve just purchased a BMW 320i sport Manual Petrol 2017 and I have noticed a slight tapping noise from the engine and I can hear it when I’m driving at those speeds do you think is the tappets As I’ve got one years BMW warranty I need some advice please


Hi Mark

Welcome to the group.

Impossible to tell without hearing the noise. If it's worrying you and you have warranty, ask the dealer to check it out. Alternatively if you have a friend or two that is/are knowledgeable about cars, ask them to have a listen and give their opinion.

Hope this helps


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Thanks for your reply I phone Bmw dealership and they said I can bring in but if they don’t find no faults they will charge me A diagnostic fee which I don’t think is right as it is coming from the engine but I don’t know I’m just a bit confused How they work And I haven’t got anyone with any knowledge of motor vehicles thanks again


Morning Mark

Is the tapping noise heard when the car is stationary? Or only when moving ? Does it increase become faster with speed ?

If not heard when the car is stationary (engine running) and revved then it probably isn't engine have the belts and pulleys been checked ?

If it is only heard when moving then it could be something stuck in a tyre ? an issue with the drive train, gearbox Prop shaft rear axel. It could be a suspension bush or something loose and rattling (heat shield) is it always on the same piece of road

More questions than answers I am afraid, but you would feel pretty dumb if you went to a Dealer (or any Garage come to that) and it is a stone in a tyre !!


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Hi Dave thanks for your Reply  when the car is just ticking over  I can hear it very slightly from inside the car but I can’t hear it from outside the car when I’m driving very slow speeds in Second gear literally no exaggeration it gets slightly faster and a little bit more louder but not too loud But when I give it more Throttle it seems to go as  I can only hear the engine just a bit worried thanks Mark


Hi Mark

As John said in his reply with out hearing it almost impossible to diagnose. 

From your description you say you can hear it inside but not outside, have you opened the bonnet? 

As your car is a manual does the sound get louder or go when you put your foot on the clutch?


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hi Dave I’ve just looked under the Bonnet and had a good look and listen and the noise is coming from with a belt are  i will book it in tomorrow Thanks Dave and John 👍


It could be the high pressure fuel pump, assuming that engine is direct injected. It shouldn’t be loud enough to hear from inside the car though, mine sounds like someone whacking a rock with a hammer when the engine is cold and still can’t hear it inside the car. 

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