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Hi there does anyone know what the beeping noises is coming from the engine when the car is running I took the car for a two hour drive and the car still beeps (2017 320i sport ) B48 Engine it’s driving me mad 


Morning Mark

Have you checked the Idrive for faults?

Is it a Beep or a Squeak? Does it increase in speed with revs ? Could be Water Pump, Alternator, AC pump or a belt tensioner



Hi Dave  Yeah no faults have come up it’s kind of like a beep With a suction it sounds like air  but like a beep I have been checking on the Forum and a few peoples got the same  problems but No one’s got any answers


The car is running fine How will I  know if it’s the turbo there is no white smoke coming from the car Call drives fine just keeps bleeping


Morning Mark

Clearly if there is a noise that wasn't there before then something is not OK 

But if you are happy that "The car Drives Fine" is all you need then what was your query?

Personally I investigate any strange noises and lubricate/fix them as it is normally cheaper than waiting until whatever it is breaks


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