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Hello :),

I have 3 error codes on my E38 in a format I'm not familiar with (I'm used to P... codes);  00008e, 00002e, and 00002d.  Searches for information are completely devoid of information and the descriptions don't help a great deal (although they do give me some direction). 

Is there a source available to decode what these errors are referencing?  The one from Greydog on the X5 I found from a few years ago gave me some information (the 00008e being the LCM, for instance).  The app I have says, for example:

00008e: Description: Shares error over voterlogik (SG error) / Fresh Air from error / internal index 7 / system eductor / TSS bus ant: failed connection / FAN RA:blower motor relay open or short circuit to ground / CDKAKRE - final stage exhaust flap / Needle Movement Sensor / Signal tank leak diagnosis pump reed-switch no longer includes / Module error DMTL / Valveation fresh air from / B-pillar Y-direction right / knock control self-test / Rear light broken inside left

So...many of those words make sense, but as a whole it doesn't.  

As an aside, all of these errors came through the Air Condition module test.  I am already planning on replacing the aux pump and heater control valve assembly (or at least replacing the brushes in the pump and all the seals in the HCV) as the heater works poorly and I am getting cool/warm mixes that I shouldn't be.  Not sure if these issues would trigger those codes.

Any help to decode the error and start a checklist for resolving is much appreciated.  Pinging @Greydog only because they had some answers for a similar question some time ago.

Thank you!


Hi Brian

As you are going to be doing a fair amount of work on the car I would advise getting a copy of BMW 1.4.0 (Ebay or Google) it is cheap to get hold of easy to use and really very comprehensive (Attached are a couple of sample page) There are 3 pages of different control modules dependent on Model and Configuration all of which will log Fault Codes with the program when you interrogate a module the fault is explained in English (as an example my car has an Error code in PDC which when checked reads Centre right rear PDC fault)

The codes you're seeing I think relate to Ibus communication and seems to indicate either a water damaged LCM or a failure there. Often a failure at the LCM blocks communication with other modules effectively looking like multiple failures (cars have been scrapped) 

BMW (and some others will tell you the only fix is a New LCM that then needs BMW Dealers to program. They are wrong you can fit and program a second hand unit even upgrade to newer units yourself using BMW 1.4.0 

Added some E38 stuff that may be useful


I.4.0 Screen 1.jpg



Interesting, I have INPA and ISTA+ (I've had problems getting INPA to work with the E38, which is why I've had to rely on my Carly thus far). Do you think 1.4.0 has more tools/less connectivity issues with the E38?

I wonder if I can use my current 20-pin to r232(db9) to serial card in my PC and have it work with BMW 1.4.0+ without having to buy another ODB2 adapater/cable? 

Also, looking through that .pdf, it reminded me that I have a new cluster LCD panel to install as the existing one is virtually illegible...wonder if some of that is coming from that issue.

Anyway, this all make sense and gives me a path to follow. Thank you :).


Morning Brian

I also have INPA/ISTA which is OK with my brother in-laws 535d (2017 MY) but i.4.0 is much faster to load and easier to use than INPA (in my opinion) allows scanning of all modules plus registering to the chassis or re-programming if required and is perfect with my 2003 vintage X5. Just had a quick look at Ebay copies of 1.4.0 are selling at £25 (about $35 ?) including the lead. The old Dell laptop I have in the garage has Programs for Volvo, Mercedes, Subaru and BMW running plus I have a Maxi diagnostic tool for any waifs or strays who may need help.

The 1st generation E38 had an OBD2 port on the centre console and a round diagnostic port in the engine bay I do recall reading something about linking pins in the engine bay port to allow full diagnostics from the OBD port (but then my old brain may be fuddled have to check) 

First (I guess you may have tried) the Dealer trick of clear all codes then disconnect the battery (both leads some touch the leads together to discharge any static) fully charge the battery and reconnect. Then re=scan for returning codes.

Good Luck




Great info, thank you.  I've cleared codes a few times, but I've not tried that trick.  Will do.

I ended up picking up a standard 1.4.0 OBD2 adapter off amazon for $28, so that'll help.  Sadly, my little laptop won't let me put it test mode, so I can't install the drivers for 1.4 on that one.  I might see if I can find a cheap, older laptop locally so I have one just dedicated for software that lives in the garage.  I prefer plugging it into the 20pin port in the engine anyway, and I have an adapter to OBD2 that should work with the one from Amazon.  I hope.



Morning Brian

From memory when loading 1.4.0 there was a sequence for getting the drivers to load. If the old grey stuff is working it was something like "load program plug the OBD lead into the computer select drivers in the program menu and load them" try a Google search on loading 1.4.0


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