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Hi guys, first beamer and first post,so bear with me.

Only had the car about 2 months and o/s dipped beam failed.

Looked through forums for existing cases of same problem, only to be met with lots of conflicting information.

Initially, I thought I could go in through the flap in the wheel arch, only to discover mine is an LCI model (4 torx screws, rather than twist off cover)

But reading elsewhere that if the indicator bulb is non LED, the headlamps are halogen, but the sticker on my headlight unit says it's d1s type lamps.

So, I believe it's a bumper off job (not happy with that, what a backward step for a so called 'upgrade' 😳

So my question is, can I do this job by taking of the inner wheel arch liner, or will this just expose more metal underneath (is the work area the same size as the inspection cover, or bigger)

Sorry it's a novel guys, just trying to fit as much info in as I can to hopefully find a solution.


Hi Joey, 

I have the same model of car but fortunately I havent had to change a bulb yet. But lets see if we can help. There is access at the top of the light too but you need fingers like ET to do anything in there. The hatch in the wheel well of mine gives much better access from what I recall. I dont think its actually a bumper off job to change a bulb on these, most cars with access issues usually make the headlight removable but I dont think BMW did that option in this case. Id have a look in the wheel well first.

If you go on realoem.com and use your last seven digits of your vin you can find out loads about your specific model, including your lights set up. 

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Morning Joey

Welcome to the Forum

I have done this on the Brother Inlaws 535d Touring my politest description would be a total PITA of a job!! Not BMW's best effort it took quite a bit of head scratching to work out which pieces of trim had to come off just get access (be careful with the plastic rivets or have spares ready) it took two of us a Saturday morning there are some really fiddly to get at bolts holding the headlamps so keep the swear box handy 😆 

Good Luck



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Cheers Tcon & Dave 

I've spoken to 'my' mechanic (I say that, he's a guy local to me and did my cam belt and servicing on my previous car)

I rang him earlier and asked him for a price to replace the bulb (which I've already got) he said 'about £20'

Fearing he wasn't aware of the work involved, I explained that the 'hand through the hatch' job won't work, he dug a little deeper.

He quoted me 'worst case scenario' £80, which although steep for any normal kind of bulb replacement job, sounds reasonable (ish) to me, considering main dealer wants £130 or thereabouts, for diags, which I think is unnecessary, but also quoted an hourly rate of about £100+ from what I remember.





Morning Joey

Just looked back at my notes when we did it,

First there is a cover strip that runs across the top of the front bumper/nose above the grills, this needs lifting and prising out. Then the rubber closing strip that covers the joint with the inner/outer wing needs removing. 

Now the two trim strips either side can have the plastic rivets lifted 6 aside from memory then the trims can be removed.

In the wheel arch there are torx bolts 3 each side holding the liner, peel back the liner. There are 2 bolts holding the bumper to the bumper iron, now undo the screws above the grills and the bumper lifts forward. Careful of electrical and washer connections. Support the bumper (we put a blanket over it to protect the paint).

Now there are just 2 really fiddly to get at torx bolts that hold each headlamp in place move the headlamp forward and change the bulb !! SO SIMPLE !!

Having done it once I guess I could probably do it in 30 to 45 mins now, it was the head scratching working out how it went together/came apart that took the time.

My local Dealer's hourly rate is close to £200 per hour (someone has to pay for the free coffee) so a Diagnostic session £130 is about par for the course.


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Hi Dave.

I got it sorted this morning, it wasn't as long a job as he'd anticipated, so he only charged me £40 (the bulb I already had, which cost me £35 for one, i've since seen D1s bulbs for £21 a pair, so lesson learned there.

So, I now have 2 working dipped beam/main beam headlights again ☺️

But thanks for all the suggestions guys, I'll be sticking around now, but hopefully (for all the right reasons) I won't have to ask for help again, can't see that happening though 🙄

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