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Hi all,

Been the proud owner of my first BMW (2018 520d M Sport) for the past week and loving it so far.

Just a couple of questions though if i may;

Has anyone installed Android Auto to Idrive6? Only really want it to use Google Maps or Waze.

If not, any recommendations on a decent phone holder?

Is Supermarket fuel a strict no, no?

Thank in advance.





Afternoon Vince

Welcome to the Forum

I have read several posts on other Forums of people changing the screen for a 10"+ screen that is inclusive of the Android/Carplay software apparently this connects and integrates with your iDrive. My brother inlaw runs 5 series Touring he has had several but as yet hasn't tried this so I have no direct experience.

As for Supermarket fuel one of our sons is a Chemical engineer he works for Shell, he tells me that the Supermarkets buy on the Spot Market and often are buying the same fuel as Shell, BP, etc etc so in practical terms there should be no difference. For what it's worth I have run my X5 on Tesco fuel for years as they are always several pence per litre cheaper and as the old saying goes "So Far So Good"




Thanks for the advice Dave.  I’ve heard that the actual fuel is the same, it’s just the fact that She’ll, BP, etc justify why they charge more because they add additives that’s supposed to make engines perform better.  From what I’ve read, think it comes down to the car, for instance my old 2012 Focus would run slightly better on Esso Diesel than Sainsbury’s.

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