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Hi guys! Newbie here, recently purchased a 51 plate X5 E53 

the parking sensors aren’t working at all on the front or back

when selecting reverse there’s no tone but the pcd light flashes 

I’ve listened for clicking and none of the front or rear ones click 

any ideas where I go from here?

I’m female so if you could simplify it for me that would be great - and hold the learn to reverse jokes 😉 I can reverse but my space is the most awkward one in the world!

thanks guys 


Hi Samantha

Welcome to the Forum

My X5 is fitted with reverse camera and PDC system and my daughter told me "Dad they are a waste of money there is always a thud when your to close" Sadly that isn't a joke bless her.

So your problem, the BMW PDC system is fussy but great when it works. You may need the help of a willing assistant depending on how hands on you are but no special tools are needed. On your model all sensors can be got to without removing stuff the fact you don't get a Beep when selecting reverse may need some digging though? do you get warning bongs/beeps if you leave a door open or lights on? If yes that's good news.

Next with the use of your willing assistant remove the boot floor spare wheel cover and spare wheel, then udo the 2 nuts and 2 bolts holding the suspension compressor down and carefully prop it up at the back of the back seat. You will now be looking at the battery, BM54 radio, TV unit (on the right if fitted) look down nearest the back of the car you should see a control unit with 3 plugs on the top Blue White and Black. Question does your car have a tow bar? If it does you should have an extra control unit alongside the main PDC controller this disconnects the rear sensors when the trailer plug is inserted. So sensors front and rear are the same. 

The simple thing would be a diagnostic scan which would identify which if any components were duff. If not I would have the trusty assistant check that everything was clean (get some electrical contact cleaner RS Components are a good source) plug and unplug the connectors several times using the cleaner. The fact you have no sound could point to the actual controller (assuming you have the other beeps) All parts are available on the well known Auction site at sensible cost 

Take a look at www.realoem.com it is a BMW parts list put the last 7 digits of your vin number into the search box and it will bring up your model the search for the bits you need. There are small drawing to help plus if buying you will have the correct part numbers and know they will fit. 

Hope my ramble is a help not confusing




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