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Hi everyone, could some one please help. Everytime I get in into my car it starts an emergency call, is it possible to completely code out/switch off this functionality? Your help is much appreciated 


Hi Aaron

Welcome to the Forum

Is it in BMW Connected drive ? Or is your regular Bluetooth ?

My guess is something in Connected Drive check your handbook and the Connected Drive settings on Idrive


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Hi, my car has connected drive but I don't know if that's the issue. My Bluetooth audio and satnav still work but for some reason the car attempts an emergency call when the head unit has been off for a while. When the call fails the radio comes back on. Thanks for the reply


Hi Aaron 

Then its a Connected drive issue Connected Drive has it's own Sim Card. Did you renew your Connected Drive subscription ? If so BMW should sort it for you, if not then you may have to dig into the Idrive menu's to turn it off


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No I didn't renew it,?  I only bought the car 1 week ago. Its 10 years old now, I cant find anything in the idrive menu or at least I don't see anything. Maybe it's something that can be coded out


Morning Aaron

All those codes are to do with the Telematics unit. 

I did read some time ago about a battery change not being done correctly and not registered triggering Connected drive faults. But for the life of me I cant remember exactly what now. You could try the old Dealer trick of Disconnecting the Battery for 15mins (remove the Neg lead) Just make sure the car is shut down first so open the boot remove the key and leave it the Gearshift light will go out after about 10mins the car is then shut down. Dealers use this as a kind of reset.

You could also unplug the Telematic unit and get it checked or replace it.


  • Thanks 1

I see on the vin number the car does have a back up battery for the tcb, I don't have a fault code for it but maybe it would be worth changing? The car battery was original so i assume this will be to. My car apparently has a combox fitted



I believe the Telematic/Combox is coded to your chassis so fingers crossed there is no fault or issue with the unit it's self. Looks like you have access to the right software.

The battery could well be at fault after 10 years so worth getting it checked/changed if you can't DIY. Looking at your original scan it has a code for E call triggered plus Ecall assist not available ? May be unplugging the unit changing the battery then reconnecting may reset it ? If not more digging 

Good luck


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Thanks dave, yeah I work selling truck parts and have access to most epc's so if your ever looking part numbers I should be able to help


Dave would you know what would happen if I plug a fibre optic loop in at the combox? would that stop the sos function and leave the radio and Bluetooth etc working? I seem to have just a combox couldn't find a tcu to put the battery into


Hi Aaron

Do you use www.realoem.com ? I would first use a BMW Vin decoder plenty online so you can call up your cars build sheet  Then use realoem use the last 7 digits of your vin into the search box it will bring up your model then search the communications section

Just remembered your Vin is above so took a look, it seems your model was available with a range of types

1. COMBOX Media Part No 84109257150   S644A Yes S6FLA Yes S6VCA Yes 

2.COMBOX for Telematics Part No 84109257151     S606A Yes S609A Yes S633A Yes S6VCA Yes

COMBOX Telematics for GPS  Part No 84109257152   S633A Yes S6VCA Tes

There are also versions of ULF and Telematic units so in my quick look it seems the removable battery is in the Telematics control unit. I am 

Using the Decoder it appears you have S609 Nav with S633 Telephone so the Part No on the Comboz should be as 2 above  not sure about the Optical link I will dig a little




  • Thanks 1

Thank you dave your a gentleman, yeah the combox definitely looks like that but I think it doesn't take a battery. Just today one of the emergency calls actually went through. So hard to find out what is triggering the call when there is no fault codes. I even had the button disconnected 


Morning Aaron

Everyday is a school day  😁 Never come across this before so time for some home schooling

It appears that there is no physical sim card instead there is a soft sim (software based) so you can't just remove the sim. I am assuming all other functions are operating normally?

Do you have access to a BMW Diagnostic suite ? Something like iCarsoft or Foxwell or maybe ISTA/INPA a scan may give a better clue as to where the issue is. I have a feeling that your combox is at fault I would talk to guys like Cartronix, ECU Testing and BBA Reman if they can test and repair it may save a lot of issues. Swapping for another Combox may need re-coding which will require either the software or the help of a BMW Specialist 

Just a thought here, your phone connects by bluetooth so logically if the cars antenna were disconnected it should stop the combox calling (no aerial) while your mobile would use it's internal antenna so would still work. Not a fix but may be a short term work around 


  • Thanks 1

Thanks dave,

Yes everything works perfect, phone, Bluetooth, sat nav (badly needs an update)Bluetooth audio ,radio and voice controls. Was on a 3 hour round trip yesterday and only when I turn on the ignition and the hu powers up does the call trigger and mute the infotainment. When I had the boot open looking for the combox the radio came on by itself after 10mims or so which then triggered the call also. If I could stop or code out the call from muting the audio I could definitely live with that. I have bimmercode and bimmerlink via Bluetooth obd2.


Then I would Google "coding out Connected drive " I bet your not the only one who has an issue. 

As for the Sat Nav updates my X5 still thinks one of our sons lives in a field 🤣


  • Haha 1

Found this

How do I disconnect my BMW Connected Drive?
How to disconnect My BMW app on iPhone? To delete your vehicle from My BMW Connected account in My BMW remote app, go to the app's menu and enter the 'Vehicle' tab. There you can choose the car to be deleted from the account, so confirm 'Delete' and you're done.16 Mar 2021
Don't Know if this makes sense to you
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