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Anyone had issues with 2019 X3 ? Just bought it used and having multiple issues ..
while driving my car goes from Sport mode to Econ mode  and just keeps randomly switching back and forth. Also had my screen glitch out .. Dealer seemed to fix that issue. Also my phone randomly shows a call coming in but there is no one calling and if I answer, it disconnects… It also does not show the digital speed in 2 of the 3 driving modes..

Now is the shop for 2nd time and they have no idea what the issue is.. 

any help would be appreciated.



Morning Margo

Welcome to the Forum

First is the Dealer a BMW Dealer ?

A competent technician with the use of a BMW diagnostic suite (ISTA) should be able to identify the issue

I do know you can set gearbox modes in preferences so as the digital speed doesn't show and you have had "screen glitches" it could be a fault in either the Screen, the Controller or the Headunit. My guess is they have done the cheap thing first and re-flashed the software. Ask what they actually did?

I hope they are supplying a loan car while they sort your problem 



Tks Dave, 

yes my car is being serviced at BMW dealer. I am not sure what they have actually done so far but will ask this am. I have also supplied videos and pictures of what is happening but when it randomly switches gears, I am driving and not able to film ..I do have pics of where my digital speed is gone and when it starts calling me..

Very frustrating because I have only owned car for about a month and it’s now the 2nd time in shop..


Hi Margo

Don't swallow any BS or Fob offs, The Diagnostic program in the car retains a history of Faults intermittent or not, particularly with critical items such as Engine Management (DME or DDE), Gearbox control (EGS) so technicians should be able to see any retained faults and codes until they are erased Unfortunately many see the Fault code/warning as the cause when it may be a symptom, that requires a little thought and analysis.

Sadly Dealers often can't see, or don't want to see the anger and frustration that an apparent lack of interest and urgency/ability to resolve the issue causes to us as customers

As you have only had the car a short time if your in the UK you will have protection under the sale of goods act, I would also contact BMW customer service and ask for their assistance if this drags on.



Ok Tks for the advice. I am in the US but I still should have some fall back with dealer/BMW etc.. This car was “Certified “ when purchased at Dealer and is still under manufacturer warranty as well!



Bit of a long shot but does the phone start calling you and displaying your number? 

My company car started to randomly do this and then disconnect… turns out Siri on my iPhone was listening to the radio and reacting to words in songs! …. Bizarre but true and also very annoying. 
not sure about the gear issue. @Greydog Didn’t someone on here have a similar issue when the oil was low and the mechanic hadn’t flushed it properly? 


Morning Margo and Stu

Interesting Stu, it is a pain when the tech in the car and your phone think they are smarter than us 🤣Was ther a fix? Or did you have to change the car or the phone 🤣

Morgo the training for the Dealers and Technicians is the same so my instinct is still that they tried the cheap fix first. Your dealer has 3 main components the Screen, the Controller and the Head unit to test/check or change. So ask them what the diagnostic scan showed up ? Delay may be that they are waiting on parts sad they don't communicate in a more positive way. 

Good luck don't let them wriggle



Looking at the video, the digital clocks are not in sync with the surround. This would tell me the fault is definitely  the display or computer to the display. 
make the dealer replace them. 

@GreydogI had to tell the phone to ignore voice commands when connected to the car. Now it just randomly pipes up into a conversation in the middle of the night! 


As far as the phone issue..No it doesn’t display any number. If I answer it disconnects .. 

thanks everybody for your suggestions! I will arm myself with this knowledge. Last time they called me, they suggested that I needed to come back to dealer and have a tech “ show me how to work everything in the car” !😡😡. I said that was NOT the issue and that this was unacceptable and they needed to dig deeper and find the problem! Still have not heard back…



Don't get angry the condescending superior manner isn't aimed at you because your a female, they treat everyone like that !!!

Maybe accept their offer then after 10 minutes tuition ask them to drive the car with you on board to demonstrate that the issue has been resolved. As Stu has said the display is out of sync which is a giveaway.

Also start to escalate the issue with BMW USA 




Hells teeth Stu, when we have to start telling our phones what to do !! 🤣 

Think I will stick with my OLD TECH X5 and my Old phone (the only restriction is the length of the lead) 🤣



Dealer can still not locate any issue from  diagnostic test.. called and got BMW involved. Dealer has had my car in shop this time for 9 days! 


Morning Margo

The Dealer apart from scratch their Head and/or Backside seems to have done nothing other than an inconclusive scan. Perhaps now they have involved BMW things may move forward, it sounds to me that the Dealer doesn't want to swap any parts in case BMW won't underwrite it. As they don't repair things just swap components they have a choice of Instrument cluster, Information screen, Controller or Head unit any or all of them. Each of which will need coding to your chassis if they are changed. 

Here in the UK there is Buyer protection under the "Sale of Goods Act" which has a clause that states Goods must be of Merchantable Quality if not the Buyer can either demand another Working example at no cost to them or their money back. Do you have anything similar there? Tiresome but I would document every visit and the time your car has been in their (sounds like they have had it almost as long as you) Ask if you can talk to the BMW Technician when he has looked at your car and ask what action BMW will undertake. Certainly your dealer isn't very pro-active is there another near by

Fingers crossed for you Margo



Hi Dave,

Tks for the info..hoping now that I have involved BMW, I will get somewhere. VERY FRUSTRATED!!!!!!!



of all the 4 items you mentioned that could possibly be the issue, why are none of these showing up on diagnostic scan? Any thoughts?



Morning Margo

As your original issue was the gear selection randomly changing my guess would be that is where they are looking. Without being able to see the scan results and where they focussed. Sadly we live in an age where we are reliant on Technology even the technicians using the diagnostic equipment rarely analyse what they are seeing.often a fault is a symptom not the direct cause. The 4 items I mention are part of the cars onboard system which talk to the gearbox control. The Instrument cluster following your Vid but a fault in any of them can cause these issues from what I have read.

If your Instrument cluster is out of sync as in your Video they should question Why, The cluster may be OK so what causes the effect? In stead they just assume no issue.

Hopefully the intervention of a BMW Master Tech may help you get to where you should be instead of driving a Loaner



Tks Dave,

after sending my videos /pictures for 3rd time to dealer, they now say it was a software issue and it’s fixed.. I am not very confident AT ALL that it’s fixed but they say it is and it’s now been in shop 11 days this time! 
picking it up this am and will let you know…



Fingers crossed for you Margo

Some years ago I had an issue with a Mercedes E63 I owned the problem was intermittent violent gear shifts. First the Dealer at first dismissed it even said it could be my driving style. They said they had tested the car and couldn't find a fault, over a period of months they had the car more than me. It reached a point where even after I was able to take the service manager out so he could feel the problem himself and me informing them in writing that if they didn't fix it this time I wanted my money back. 4 days later got a call saying all fixed it was a software issue, the car was perfect for the rest of my ownership. I learned later from a technician who left the Dealership that in fact they had a number of gearbox issues with my model and the solution was change the box but only as a last resort ??

Lets hope what ever they have done it lets you enjoy your car at last


  • 3 weeks later...

Good afternoon, 

new issue over the weekend..car back in shop! Dealer had finally agreed to start replacing parts/Control unit?? Here the latest issue.




That's a function the designers didn't plan on !! Clearly a control unit or connector or the loom needs replacing and repositioning because if they don't the cycle will begin again I fear.

Don't let them rest Margo Good Luck



Tks Dave… tell me about the loom? What is it and what does it do?



Hi Margo

In simple terms your car has a number of Control units each one is linked by a number of cables and fibre optic leads. These are wrapped together with a protective tape to form a Loom with a connector at each end so it can be plugged in and allow different control units to talk to each other.

If the loom is routed badly chaffing rubbing can take place, or the wrong length (to short) so that it and it's cables and connectors are under pressure. That can cause wear where it normally wouldn't occur or connectors to come loose. 

Hope this helps


  • 2 weeks later...

Car has been back in shop for over a week with no conclusion.. saw article online about lawsuit against BMW and  issues with cupholders causing airbags to deploy and also causing electrical issues in certain makes :models.. my issue in my earlier post /video seems to be related to my cup holder as well. Any thoughts from anyone?




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