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Hello BMW owners,

I have a very interesting one.

I have a knocking noise front right side, sounds like a suspension issue however, we have changed, Shock absorber, top mount, control arms, and roll bar drop links.

Lower arms changed last year

This still hasn’t solved the knocking noise.


Can you buy the anti roll bar d bushes separately? 
Any other parts that I’m missing that it could be?

I’m left with Steering Rack, drive shaft, anti roll bar.

It has been on shaker plates and would easily pass MOT as nothing is loose.

Has anyone had the same thing, I really don’t want to keep throwing money at it with no joy..




Morning Ian 

Welcome to the Forum

Not trying to "teach Granny" as you have done a lot of work so some questions (1) Does your car have Dynamic Drive ? (2) When buying your parts have you sourced them by part number or ordered through a motor factor ?

Are you aware of www.realoem.com its a BMW online parts list put the last 7 digits of your vin into the search box it will bring up your model then look at the front axel assembly there are small drawings and all the parts/part numbers  The small exploded drawings will let you see all components and where they are.

Yes you can buy the mounting bushes separately check first if you have Standard or Dynamic drive roll bar

Also don't get obsessed with the suspension my wifes Subaru Outback developed an annoying clunk at the front and I went through a few days of head scratching and testing for loose/worn bushes then discovered a broken mounting on the Washer reservoir ?? You never know

Good Luck with solving it


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