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Hi all anybody on here have any experience taking off a dpf filter from a 2007 lci 535d? Won't pull down I've taken off engine mount and jacked  up engine but still no joy


Morning John

Welcome to the Forum

First is your car LCI or Pre-LCI ? The mounting brackets are different so are they all free, are all sensors ans pipework clear.

On my brother inlaws LCI we had to remove the centre silencer to get room to break the gasket seal even with the clamp off it stuck like stuff to a blanket. There are 3 brackets from memory one on top two under neath. Once the gasket ring gave in it could be wriggled out. We replaced it with a refurbished one he brought in Germany the original had covered 150+k the car was 200k + plus when he traded it for his 3rd 535d Touring and that is the only DPF issue he has had

Hope this helps



Hi dave thanks for the reply it's an lci I have removed all brackets and v clamp the dpf is loose but for the life of me it won't come out have removed engine mount and jacked up engine but still no joy

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