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The other day while towing our caravan I accidentally allowed the the electric cable to trail on the ground and it was partly severed.

I have replaced the cable but the Grey wire which supplies power from the car to the fridge (ignition on) is no longer live.  I have checked all of the fuses shown to be for towing on the fuse box diagram and every single fuse on the fuse board in the trunk. All fine. I would be grateful for any advice to help locate the problem.  Could there be a relay that may have failed? In-Line fuse?


Morning Chris

Welcome to the Forum

Hope this helps 

Its doesn't switch on the ignition live straight away though and has some pre conditions before pin goes live.

There might be a chance that it needs coding to activate the switched ignition but everything is there already from the trailer module to the 13 pin socket.

Name:  X3 trailer module.jpg Views: 268 Size:  141.0 KB
Name:  X3 ignition live requirements.jpg Views: 173 Size:  138.0 KB


Oh that's brilliant information thank you.  It could be the trailer braking module?  I have bimmercode and bimmerlink so will look for the option.  

Do you have any advice on locating the module please?






Morning Chris 

I believe the Trailer Braking module was only fitted for certain markets (USA) it was fitted I believe in the boot with the towing electrics control package 

Don't dismiss the battery information BMW OEM supply was Westfalia it maybe worth talking to some of their Agents

Good Luck 



Thanks Dave, I have just sorted it.  I have found a 15amp fuse floating in a separate bank near the battery (image attached) which had blown and now I have power restored to the fridge supply.  Now I just need to sort the fridge out which has also been affected. 

Many thanks again.



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