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So I have a 2010 X5 and the battery is going flat overnight. There's a serious drain someone to the point you can't even open the doors it's completely dead. At first I thought it was the battery so I bought a new battery which I've returned and had tested to check it wasn't a faulty. Is there a common fault what drains the batteries on these cars before I chuck endless amounts of money at an auto electrician? 


Check lights are off and not set to auto? Turn off the stereo before removing the ignition ? Check the bootlid is closed properly?

do you have a scanner? 


No not got a scanner I've checked lights are off ect I've now worked out that it's not even lasting 7hours so it's quite a hefty drain on the battery 


Morning Dave

A number of things to check (1) is the car going to sleep? When shut down and locked the "P" symbol remains lit while systems shut down it can take 15mins or so for it to extinguish. If it doesn't then some system is keeping the car awake and drawing power. (2) Have any toys or accessories been added ?

The alarm bonnet switch has been a favourite over the years (unplugging it often sees the drain stop) as has the audio system pulling fuses is often the only laborious way to find issues.



So I changed the battery connected it all back up and put a multi meter on the battery and sat and monitored it it was showing 12.90v and after 10 mins the car went to sleep the multi meter started showing 13.10v when the car had gone to sleep. 

I kept monitoring it for 50mins and the multi meter stayed on 13.10v


We had to go shopping we returned after 3hours u connected the multi meter and the battery was on 2.6v something has happened in that space of time and drained the battery


So what was plugged in that wasn't there when testing? Phone charger? Rear entertainment system? Where did you monitor the current drain? At the battery or at the charging point under the bonnet? You have changed the battery is it correct for the car and was it registered to the car to ensure correct charging. Important point only ever charge at the charging points under the bonnet never direct at the battery or damage can be caused to the cars onboard systems.




I removed the battery completely to charge it. Its the correct one for the car yes however I've not told the car it has a new battery? 


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