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Hi, I am trying to replace the inner door handle mechanism on my 2009 X5 E70. Having removed the door card and the waterproofing I can just about see the mechanism but haven't the faintest idea how to actually access it to remove and replace it - anyone any ideas?




Morning Jim

Welcome to the Forum

Have you checked You tube for how to videos also worth checking www.pelicanparts.com (a USA site) but everything is basically the same and they have great How To's with pictures.

Good Luck



Thanks for the reply Dave - I've searched through you tube and there is nothing that I can find about the E70 - there are a couple of vids with people doing similar on an E53 - and I'm trying to use that as an initial guide, but the mechanisms are quite different! The pelican parts site looks great but again they only seem to have DIY guides for the E53!  I'll have a good look and see if any other models have a similar set up to mine.


Thanks very much,




Hi Jim

Have you looked at www.realoem.com it's a BMW online parts list put the last 7 digits of your Vin into the search box it will bring up your model. Then search the sections for what you need (Body or Trim section would be my guess)

It will give you part numbers so when looking for replacement you know you have the right bit. Plus there are useful Exploded drawings that should help with how stuff fits



That was quite helpful! At least I now know what the name of the part I'm trying to replace is! Its the  Carrier Outside Door Handle Rear Right!  The expanded drawings also help!  I'm still at a loss as to how ta actually access the part as it's in the thinnest part of the door, right at the back - nowhere near an access hole!


Thanks again Dave!




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