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 May I ask if BMW M4 seats can be installed in my 128. with electric seats 

Much appreciated 




Morning George 

Welcome to the Forum

It depends how good you are with the spanners I would think George, I can think of a few things which would make it difficult at best if not impossible.

1. Physically are they going to fit lots of measuring needed

2. Are the runners and seat frame compatible if not can they be swapped over

3. Is the electrical system compatible are the connectors the same type

4. Will the cars electronics accept the change? Can the car be programmed to accept the change.

All things are possible good luck


  • 3 weeks later...

There is a video on YouTube for this so fitting m4 seat in a 1 series yes they can as I’ve considered it myself  . Not cheap thou 

  • 1 year later...

Trying to do this myself now (put m4 convertible seats in the 140i) when I do this the seats only work for around 10 seconds then do not work again unless I disconnect the wires and put them back on and does the same again , any ideas 

the can had manual seats and I’m trying to put electric ones in , they have the module in the seats 


Morning Kieran

Welcome to the Forum

This is a new problem, I would start with the power supply where have you taken it from ?

If you haven't already I would check a wiring diagram for both models to see where the power was arranged in the M4 and check whether that supply is available in the 140 model. Then check www.realoem.com to see if there are repair/replacement looms available. Your description sounds like a relay is tripping in the power feed

Good luck with finding the issue let us know how yoy get on



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