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Evening all, 


Had my x1 just over 2 weeks now, 2018 model, 33k on the clock, automatic purchased from Cazoo.


When I drove it home as soon as I got too around 60mph I got the below warning on the dash;


Drivetrain - possible to continue journey, full performance not available, please have this checked via service partner.


Now I have seen this is quite common but  I am after some advice on my findings, I have since noticed after every time the message appears (usually the first time it hits around 60mph), once it is on the gear shift from gears 2 to 3 are very jerky (around 3000-3500revs before it actually switches up), and similar on the way back down, at first I thought it was my foot work but I've sort of found out this issue with experience now.


Also, not sure is this is related however is it normal for the reverse to not engage until around 2 seconds after it has been placed into reverse? Quite annoying especially if doing a reverse start on a hill and it decides to roll until it engages?


Please any advice, I am waiting to hear back from Cazoo as it's under warranty but I am just intrigued and want to show the garage I am going too that I have researched the issue to the best of my knowledge.


Many thanks.



Morning Micky

Welcome to the Forum

First I would not be waiting for Cazoo I would be writing to them and simply tell them there is a transmission fault which make the car unsuitable for purpose, they should change it or return your money. 2 weeks is far to long.

Now the fault, it will need diagnostics to be certain of the cause do they expect you to take it to a Garage at your expense? Check the car tyres are they all the same size and make or are odd tyres fitted? If only one tyre is odd it can cause damage to the transmission so check carefully. At 33k mileage is very low for needing a transmission service so unless there is a leak transmission fluid levels should be OK. If incorrect tyres have been fitted there could be damage at the transfer case at the mileage your car has covered I would expect at least 1 complete tyre change.

Good Luck with Cazoo don't let them hide behind a Warranty Company it is their responsibility



Thanks Dave, yeah there is a different branded tyre on actually, I will get onto them this morning.


Hi Micky

If damage has been caused to the transmission/transfer box changing 1 tyre will not be a fix and could make things worse.

Most AWD cars that do not have a central diff but use a transfer case to send power to the front and rear wheels will be sensitive to differing tyre sizes either across the axel or front to rear.

A part worn tyre with say 3 to 4mm of tread against a new tyre with 10mm of tread can cause issues as the new tyre will travel further each revolution multiply that by a few thousand and something will break (and you don't want it to be your wallet) The BMW advice is change all 4 or at a minimum a pair 

So tell Cazoo you need 4 tyres to be safe and a Diagnostic to ensure there is no transmission damage. If they won't accept it tell them you are going to reject the car under the Sale of Goods Act.

Good Luck 



Thanks again Dave, in relation to the reverse issue have you ever heard of this having a lag. And the cazoo issue I have already accepted the car ?


Just checked Dave and each tire is a different brand! Obviously not going to help much, just on hold now! 


Hi Micky

Check the sale of goods act, under the sale of goods act the item must be "Suitable for Purpose"

Clearly with odd tyres and a Gearbox issue it is not. Put everything in writing,email them no Text or Whats App and only phone to confirm items in the email. Don't let them try and get you to fix your own car using the Warranty you have paid for !!

In your email make sure that you outline the time scale when you got the car, when the fault first occured, when you first contacted them about it. Tell them you have no confidence in driving the car with a fault. Ask them to either have the car repaired for you (Don't forget a courtesy car while yours is off the road) Replace the car with the same or equivalent model or collect the car and refund you in full. If their choice is repair you need a time scale this has to be done in a Timely manner.

Just don't let them give you the run around


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