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A little background leading up to this;

I first replaced both clutch lines, from master all the way to slave, so i did end up removing the gas pedal temporarily to get access to the master. It had sat all winter with the battery dead. Now mind the CCV system had been failing for a bit but was still starting fine and what not. Until after winter I had jumped it and gotten a new battery for it I had heard a bit of sparking noise coming from the ECU area, i wiggled some wires around and it had gone away, took out the ECU and inspected it for any water damage. It did not. Checked the fuses around it, all good. Now it was fluttering bad with the gas pedal not working and a bunch of codes popping up (will list down below). I had to do a head gasket anyways and planned on replacing a bunch of seals and the CCV all in one go hoping maybe replacing the CCV would do the trick. I had also replaced the flappers inside the intake manifold. Fast forward to now, I finally got it all back together and started it up with the same problem as before. I tried the reset adaptions and looked over a majority of the fuses that would corelate to they throttle system. I am pretty stuck and have hit a dead end, I would really like to narrow it down before wasting money replacing everything that goes with the throttle system.

Codes that immediately pop up;

My scanner does have the BMW Enhanced or whatever if those codes would be more helpful, let me know.


Hi Devin

Welcome to the Forum

The codes you show are Generic codes

P0102 = Mass AirFlow sensor Fault
P1417  = A throttle Harness issue
P1553 = Is a Vanos Code when was the car serviced
P110D = Another Throttle position sensor issue 
P2120 + Throttle Position Sensor (accelerator pedal}

I would start with a careful check of the engine bay harness (check if any little critters have been visiting) also check the Earth points 

Good luck 



Little update, took my ECU out for a 2nd time to observer the pins as I had not originally and had found a broken pin. Would this correlate to what my problem is? If I need a new ECU, would it be easy to swap in and out or what I have to get it programmed from a dealer?



Morning Devin

I believe if you change the ECU you will need matching EWS Drivers door lock Ignition barrel and Keys so quite a bit of work. Much better to get your ECU tested then repaired if you can or if it even needs it.

So back to your original post

P0102 = Mass Air Flow sensor Fault ---  Have you tested the Mass Air Flow sensor
P1417  = A throttle Harness issue  --- Have you checked the harness and connectors for continuity
P1553 = Is a Vanos Code when was the car serviced --- After your rebuild have you tested the Vanos solenoids
P110D = Another Throttle position sensor issue  --- Has the Throttle Body been tested
P2120 + Throttle Position Sensor (accelerator pedal} --- Has it been tested or changed

I would start with testing, checking or changing to get rid of the fault codes 




 Voltage in White/Yellow wire on pedal was 0V. Traced it to a broken wire. Soldered and started normally, thanks for all help in this.

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