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Hi Aaron

First access the parking brake mechanism under the floor in the boot you can release it from there 

Then either find the fault or change the unit if your changing the unit make sure you get the correct part number

Then reset and clear any fault codes



Thanks , can I undo the cables to the shoes on the new unit ? When I pull the free cable up in the boot , it’s loose and free , does the new unit allow for cables to be released. 

Never had one of these electrical hand brakes before 


If the cables are loose check the actual brakes handbrake shoes and mechanism is free and working OK. If the brakes are free which from your description it should be (car drivable just Handbrake mechanism not functioning) I have changed 1 on a 5 series and 1 on an X6 basically the same as yours. I released the Bowden cables from the brake shoes the Faff was figuring out how to get the Emergency release cable out which needs the heat shield releasing and bending back by the rear wheel arch, (tip) attach a pull wire to the release wire loop so when you pull it out you have a way to feed it back. Unbolt the unit disconnect the power and fiddle it out. Changing the unit on the X6 took a Saturday morning with tea breaks thrown in.

Two choices now you could strip and repair the mechanism (some good Vid's on Youtube) or just replace the mechanism either way your going to get grubby because BMW cunningly place the mechanism underneath the car. For what it's worth the BMW unit seems to be pretty robust unlike some others.

Good Luck



Thanks unit off yesterday 

i managed to leave the cables on the shoes , the cables are free not stuck on

took unit off with emergency cable on it 

new unit on its way, would it work straight after fit if I can’t clear codes?.


The one I changed worked straight away, no lights on the dash I ran a scan just to be sure and cleared all fault codes just in case


  • 1 month later...

Hi all, just to let people know that I ordered another actuator and fitted it with all the new cables to the wheels and emergency release to the boot, plugged it in and no handbrake light anymore , didn’t need to reset or program it.. it’s a pig of a job as all bits from under the car fall into yours eyes, I found it easy to leave the old cables where they were to help be know when the new ones were going , also make sure the cables go in front of the brake pipes when deeded cables around under the car, if they are behind the pipes the rubber grommet will get stuck and you can’t pull it through, I already had the old unit off and would say it took me about 3 hours to complete the job.. I jacked car up on rear diff with piece of wood on Jack and then put axle stands under each jacking point at the rear , removed Jack then.. chocked front wheels to stop roll..


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