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My partner has just bought a 2005 X5 and we have now found that the parking  sensors aren’t working. When we put the car in reverse the button on the dash flashes and if pushed make a long loud beep but then no noise from front or back. 

I have tried the trick of putting the key, not starting the engine, then listening to the sensors and they all appear to be clicking, as I think they should, but can’t find any other tricks/techniques to fix them. 

If anyone can help my wife would be so happy. 


Morning Tony

The system is fairly simple the PDC sensors x 8 which from your description seem to be working the fact they are working also indicates the loom is OK. In the boot buried in front of the Battery is the PDC unit it has 3 plugs on top 1. Front 2. Rear 3. for towing connection these units often get wet so worth checking it. Look at www.realoem.com put the last 7 digits of your Vin into the search box it will call up your car. Then find the PDC unit and its Part number to help locate a replacement on the internet. Also check the sounder Drivers footwell or under drivers seat

A copy of BMW 1.4.0 would be a brilliant addition to your tool box mounted on a Lap top it will give Dealer level Diagnostics cost should be under £30

Good Luck


14 minutes ago, Greydog said:

Morning Tony

The system is fairly simple the PDC sensors x 8 which from your description seem to be working the fact they are working also indicates the loom is OK. In the boot buried in front of the Battery is the PDC unit it has 3 plugs on top 1. Front 2. Rear 3. for towing connection these units often get wet so worth checking it. Look at www.realoem.com put the last 7 digits of your Vin into the search box it will call up your car. Then find the PDC unit and its Part number to help locate a replacement on the internet. Also check the sounder Drivers footwell or under drivers seat

A copy of BMW 1.4.0 would be a brilliant addition to your tool box mounted on a Lap top it will give Dealer level Diagnostics cost should be under £30

Good Luck


Thanks for getting back to me Dave. I had a look at the sounder under the dash but am rather confused as it doesn't appear to have any wires running to it and I can't find any loose wire that should plug into it?

Is there another sounder somewhere as it does beep when the button is pushed? 

Also could you give me more of an idea of the location of the PDC unit please and would it be that if no errors are showing on the dash?


If you look under the spare wheel you will find the battery mounted in front of the battery you should see a white or grey plastic unit it has 3 plugs on top 1, White 1,Blue 1.Black that is the PDC controller 

One plug is for the front sensors one is for the rear sensors the third is for the Tow Bar electrics if they are fitted it turns of the sensors when the trailer electrics are plugged in 

There will be no warnings other that with a full scan if I scan my E53 it will tell you which part is not working EG. Rear sensor Centre Right or PDC controller error 

As I said these often get water damage 

Good Luck


















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18 minutes ago, Greydog said:

If you look under the spare wheel you will find the battery mounted in front of the battery you should see a white or grey plastic unit it has 3 plugs on top 1, White 1,Blue 1.Black that is the PDC controller 

One plug is for the front sensors one is for the rear sensors the third is for the Tow Bar electrics if they are fitted it turns of the sensors when the trailer electrics are plugged in 

There will be no warnings other that with a full scan if I scan my E53 it will tell you which part is not working EG. Rear sensor Centre Right or PDC controller error 

As I said these often get water damage 

Good Luck


















Again thanks so much for your help Dave.


Do you know if there is a another sounder for the PDC? As I said I've checked under the steering column and the one I found isn't plugged in and I can't find any wires that should plug into it?


i believe there could be one under the Drivers seat. Strange you have sounder under the dash and no wiring ?? I wonder if a previous owner has helpfully re-routed it

I will have a look at INPA later see if I can find any clues/wiring diagrams 



6 minutes ago, Greydog said:

i believe there could be one under the Drivers seat. Strange you have sounder under the dash and no wiring ?? I wonder if a previous owner has helpfully re-routed it

I will have a look at INPA later see if I can find any clues/wiring diagrams 



Thank you so much for your help Dave. 


Sorry Tony 

Can't find much to help other than the sounder should be clipped into the kick panel in the drivers footwell there should be a plug on top. 

Try unplugging one of the plugs on the PDC control unit in the boot (one front one rear) If you get one end working it may help narrow it down.


3 hours ago, Greydog said:

Sorry Tony 

Can't find much to help other than the sounder should be clipped into the kick panel in the drivers footwell there should be a plug on top. 

Try unplugging one of the plugs on the PDC control unit in the boot (one front one rear) If you get one end working it may help narrow it down.


No need to be sorry Dave, you’ve been amazingly helpful.

Thank you. 

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