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Has anyone put an Airtag or Tile on their key fob? Seeing some mixed comments elsewhere about them causing some type of interference issue and draining the FOB battery.




Morning Rory

I had to ask someone what this was, the guy I talked to is a Porsche/Merc Specialist he had only seen 2 in use, described it as a toy to help you track keys. He also said as they are bluetooth after about 30ft they are useless, he hadn't heard of interference or battery draining.

So I guess it is a case of "you make your choice and pay your money" If it works let us know, if it causes headaches warn us 😅



An interesting topic, I have considering getting one for my motorbike key (cost hundreds to replace if lost) so at £35 for an AirTag it's worth a punt.
However, not sure how effective it is as it relies on Bluetooth and can only triangulate to a rough area then I guess it tracks more accurately once you are within that area.
Also, have read that some airlines won't let them be used when traveling as they can affect the plane's electronics.

Once I get one, will update this post to let you know pros and cons but I guess for that money it's worth a try as cheaper than replacing a key



I was an airline mechanic up until I retired 2 years ago. There isn't any carrier Under US FAA or EASA regulations that restricts the use of any airtag or similar device. Lufthansa was rumored to have tried, using the interference claim but quickly denied it when it's customers heard about it. Our shop actually put tags on specialized tools so the Tool Room could track them and since new generation tags can have a range of 90' to as much as 450' it help prevent tools from leaving the hanger or being left on the aircraft. The Avionics guys I worked with all seem to agree that for my purposes there shouldn't be any issues and just say to monitor the batteries in the key and tag. They will get you close enough to what ever they're attached to that if you can't se what your looking for you can tap your smartphone and the'll put out a tone like a ring. The ones made by TILE can be used in reverse if you have your FOB but can't find your phone, tap on them and the signal will have your phone ring.

I ordered one Apple Airtag and One Tile Pro. I carry a battery for my FOB in my wallet so should they drain the battery I can just toss a new battery in and remove the tag if I decide it's an issue. It'll take awhile to decide but I'm gonna give em a try. !

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Thanks for the update Rory hopefully your experience will be good. 

I spoke again with the Merc/Porsche specialist I know apparently the tags he has seen are both Apple and in use by Porsche owners 


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Good to know Dave, Thanks!

If I can't use them on the fob I'll put em on something. Here Kitty Kitty:)

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