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Hi, I have a BMW 530d E61 manual 6 speed M sport with a slipping clutch. Can anybody say if thed clutch is adjustable or is it a case of a complete replacement.

If its a complete replacement what kind of cost can I expect for this? I would rather avoid a main dealer if possible. regards Paneuro. p.s. its an LCI model.


Hi paneuro, 

im guessing yours is a dual mass flywheel… if it is, you are looking around £500 for the clutch plus fitting… 

standard one is around £200 for the kit. 

I had my e46 dual mass replaced for about £850 if I remember.  Any decent garage should be able to do the job. 


Hi. I don't know if its a dual mass flywheel but why would the flywheel need replaced? surely it would just be the clutch plate and the pressure plate? I had look on the OEM site and there is no mention of this dual mass flywheel. I have been quoted £500 to £600  and just wondered if that was reasonable? thanks Paneuro


It all comes as one kit. 
I think my thrust bearing went so I just swapped the lot…

£600 for a clutch is a good price. 


I checked again yesterday and was told they didn't know if it had a dual mass flywheel but if it had, it would be £1000 , if I didn't wand the dual mass flywheel they will not give any warranty on the clutch plate or flywheel. 


Hi Andrew

A quick look at www.realoem.com shows it has a Dualmass Flywheel Part No.21207533869 Alternates are Part No's 21207527482 and 21207526107 

Whoever your talking to they don't inspire confidence !! A Dualmass flywheel I guess would be around the £500 to £700 mark a good quality clutch kit Pressure plate Clutch plate Release bearing and Arm from someone like Sachs would be another £250 

I have seen LUK kits for around the £800 mark complete the unanswered question is will you DIY or pay someone to fit it. If DIY is your route the car needs to be high enough to allow the Gearbox to be supported and lowered it is going to be heavy. Always use new flywheel bolts and clutch mount bolts and torque them correctly.

Good Luck






Hi Dave, number 1, I have no ramp , 2, I am 82 years old so not DIY. The company as far as I can learn are very reputable and say they only use LUK or SACHS . I normally do my own repairs but in this instance I think I will go ahead and have them do it. regards Paneuro.


Hi Andrew 

Your a year older than me 😅 it does take longer to get up once you get down there doesn't it 😂

If they are using LUK as a Kit I would say £1000 is a fair price and should be a good fix

Good Luck



Hi Dave, the guy said they only use LUK or SACHS so we will see how it goes. Its not going in until Oct 6th so I will use it until then. I will let you know how it turns out. thanks Paneuro.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Dave, its now Friday the 8th and I got the car back on Wednesday. They said the dual mass flywheel was fine so they did not fit a new one. The clutch is 50% lighter than it was so I am having to learn to drive it again. My wife might even have a go at it as the clutch was far to heavy for her before (don't know if that's a good thing or not).

Anyway my wallet is £586.00 lighter than it was but at least its done now. My next problem is finding out how to reset the brake pad lights on the dash. When it came on I took the wheels of thinking I needed new pads as I had fitted them in 2017 when I got the car but there was at least 5/16" on the front and about 1/4" on the back. I pulled the sensors out and the looked fine, none of the 2 were showing any wear so I put it down to faulty sensors. I ordered a new pair and while waiting for them cut the originals and soldered them together. I have tried to find a tutorial to put the lights out without success so I need a bit of help there. I've looked on u tube but can't find one for my model. cheers Paneuro.


Morning Andrew

Wear sensors are normally reliable so I would check the connections are clean and properly made they normally reset themselves but you could try the old Battery Disconnect to reset the light. 

If you still have an issue then it is diagnostics time


  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Dave, I fitted one of the sensors on the rear but it has made no effect as the light is still there, I will fit the other sensor tomorrow and see how it goes then. You mention the disconnect the battery, is there  any pattern to this ? is it both leads or just the negative lead? cheers Paneuro.


Morning Andrew

I normally disconnect the Neg lead only, some folks disconnect both a few even say disconnect both and touch them together. 

Goes without saying both sensor plugs need to be checked and a squirt of contact cleaner applied never hurts 😅


  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Dave, I tried disconnecting the negative lead but no cigar.  I have been trying to reset the brake pad light but have now discovered it has to be done by BMW as its on the I drive. I phoned the local bmw service department and the guy said they could do it for me. There might be a charge for it which is an eye watering £185.00 for the first hour or it might be less. Think I'll just blank of the I drive screen. Paneuro.


Morning Andrew 

I wonder if there is a member on here near you with a Capable Diagnostic scanner ? Or check the register of BMW Specialists there will be one not to far away and generally about half the cost of a Main Dealer

What area are you in ? I am in sunny Sussex



Hi Dave, I do have a BMW specialist local to me but the last time I phoned the girl asked me if the car had ever been in to them before and when I said no she said they would have no interest in looking at it. I think I would rather stick a box of paper hankies against the I drive screen. The only problem I have is its due an MOT just after Christmas. I will just have to keep putting out feelers and see if anyone can do it. By the way I'm in grey Burns country. cheers Paneuro.


Morning Andrew

Your local Specialist sounds more anal than some of the Dealers 😅

Anyone North of the border help Andrew out with a reset ??

A good independent with Autologic or Foxwell Diagnostics should be able to do the job 

Good Luck 


  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Dave, I have now discovered that these brake pad warnings on the I drive screen are not only governed by the wear sensors but the service intervals i.e. time so as far as I know I can't just do a reset myself.  I may have to go to the dealer. Anyway its going for an MOT so he might be able to do it for me. cheers Paneuro.


Hi Dave,  through its MOT and all lights fixed. couple of advisories like lower rear arm bushes showing a little rubber bush degradation but not resulting in excessive movement. All in all not a bad result. I will have a look at the bushes and if its not the end of the world replace them as the nearside tyre was showing wear on the inside when I replaced them last week. cheers Paneuro.


Whoop Whoop well done Andrew

BMW (and BMW Specialists) used to insist the rear arm was changed complete, absolute twaddle of course. Bushes and even PTFE replacements are available, the job will require a 4 wheel alignment if the bushes are changed.

If your existing bushes are just showing their age then an alignment will stop or at least slow down tyre wear



Hi Dave,  I will get the alignment checked at the tyre shop that supplied the new rear tyres. He has all the Hunter alignment ramp and tools and he said he would check it FOC for me.  Can you tell me what IOS program I need to get as I would like to instruct my son in law to put it on a spare laptop he has . thanks Paneuro


Morning Andrew

That sounds like a good deal getting the tyres set up 

The best is BMW ISTA/INPA this will give full dealer access and also includes WIS (Workshop Information) TIS (Technical Information) Wiring Diagrams plus allowing registration of parts and programming I still see copies available for around £100 to £150 there is also stand alone systems like Foxwell, Autologic and iCarsoft

Good Luck Happy Christmas


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