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Issues Starting - I put the key in and push to start… it tries to turnover and sometimes starts but then cuts out straight away. 

I have tried to jump it… same outcome! 

Tried a new battery on it, worked, went for a drive. Tried to start this morning same outcome as before. 

Anyone else has this issue, any resolve? 

Thanks in Advance. 


is the new battery coded to the car?

Does the car try to start or does it click once? If it clicks once, check the starter motor. 

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i'm getting car coded tomorrow! fingers crossed. no clicking… it goes through the motions of starting and sometimes starts for a sec then cuts out. 

I had these codes (attached) before I replaced batt. no codes now. 


Morning Ali

I can't open your attachment for some reason can you just post the codes in your message

If the car is starting and cutting out I would start with the fuel pump fuses and relay. Check the fuel pressure sensor and if its a diesel check the pressure at the High Pressure pump

When was the car last serviced and when was the fuel filter last changed ?



Hi Dave, 

Codes are; 

1. 49A6H/18854 Undocumented Code 

2. 4C3C Message 

3. 4C12H/19474 Undocumented Code 


Not sure, just purchased vehicle… no book 🤦‍♂️  


Hi Ali

Your first code I believe is Glow Plug controller related, either the Glow Plug controller or its wiring

Second is normally Transfer case or Lin bus related

The last is not one I have ever seen before fingers crossed its related to the other 2 

I would start with the Glow Plugs and Controller not an expensive job but a fiddly one as the Inlet manifold has to come off to get at them. Allow yourself plenty of time as the Glow plugs are a known problem soak them in release fluid for a couple of hours first. The Glowplug controller is still awkward to get at on the side of the engine below the glow plugs the total job I would rate a 6 (1 being easy 10 being a complete Beech)

Next I would check the electrical connections at the Transfer Case make sure they are clean and made correctly

Then when its back together make sure the Battery is fully charged reset all codes and start then scan to see what comes back



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